Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Batman and The Thing in: "Pursuing Petunia!"


It's time once again for another meeting between  the former "hosts" of this blog, not to mention my favorite characters from Marvel and DC.

They have, of course, met before in other Lost Issues -  They had a boxing match in STF #2455... They faced a fiery situation in STF #554... They topped off an Anniversary Issue in STF #500... before that, They battled the Riddler/Trapster team... earlier, The Thing discovered the Bat Cave... and was handed control of The Outsiders... not to mention This Whole Blog... and finally, they first appeared together in one of my earliest covers...


  1. So there really an Aunt Petunia! I never knew! (Would she be considered for membership in the Legion of Super Pets?)
    Was the lipstick on the cowl already there or did you add it? Either way, really like this cover.
    With Alfred romancing Aunt May, perhaps a double date is on the cards?
    Is Bats thinking of going Full Marvel and maybe changing his name...?
    ...to Aunt-Man!

  2. The lipstick was there (provided by Harley Quinn if memory serves)

  3. But Petunia's legs weren't there! Those are the legs of Heather Hudson from Alpha Flight that I transplanted!

  4. Nice cover, Ross, including the leg transplant. I can't even see the scars.

    Petunia actually looks like she might be more ready for a date with an aviator, like Hal Jordan. It's probably just the jacket.

    Semi-random thought: Having an Aunt Petunia is something that Ben has in common with Harry Potter. I have no idea whether a cover can be made from that.

  5. IIRC Ben's uncle Jacob had been a pilot at one stage. His jacket, perhaps?

  6. Just took the retro trip of Bats & Ben's previous encounters. Just great! What a treasure trove.

  7. Someone should remind Ben that his step-aunt (his Uncle Jake was a widower when he first met future second wife Petunia) is over 21. So, he can't legally forbid her from seeing whomever she wants! Or hasn't Alicia informed him of the existence of the Me-Too Movement?

  8. Of course, the lipstick could be a 'red herring'. Bats could have saved Auntie from a serious problem and got that reward. Benjy overreact? Nah, that would never happen.

    I remember when Lady P. was reveled to be real. That was a surprise. In some ways, Ross is like the Time Trapper and Kang. Pluck moments and people from all of history and arrange them as you want. Fun job.

  9. @det_Tobor: maybe it's some convoluted plot to drive a wedge between Bats and Ben. One cooked up by a certain super-villainess with a "Thing" for plant-themed schemes.

  10. She appeared in the John Byrne run on the Fantastic Four.

  11. H. H. HorsefeathersMay 18, 2021 at 6:25 PM

    Good reason for her to look like JB drew her MIB.

  12. I remember when Aunt Petunia first appeared. And the explanation why she was so much younger than expected given Ben's age. Not everyone liked it, Byrne had a bad habit of pairing old men with young women. And I agreed that the joke worked better when we never saw Aunt Petunia, just heard about her.

  13. Hey! Even Mrs. Columbo eventually had to be seen as well as mentioned.

  14. before Mrs. Columbo dropped all referance to the Mr. (Lt.) and became Kate loves a Mystery before she joined Starfleet...

  15. That was actually her other-dimensional counterpart. Just ask Ordinaryguy2!

  16. @Anon@9:56: Much to the regret of all involved, particularly the creators. (A later Columbo story called for a photo of the missus, for which Jean Stapleton posed.)

  17. "Say it ain't so, Edith. Say it ain't so!"

  18. Sorry, I erred. That was Maureen Stapleton.

  19. Ah, yes! The original Mrs. Dangerously.

  20. Hey! There's a thought for the cover of STF #3333.

    A Michael Keaton tribute issue!!

    Batman vs. the Vulture vs. Johnny Dangerously!!!

  21. Even better! #3333 could serve as the sequel.
