Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Thing Vs. Batman (in the ring!)

I thought that it was time for another meeting between these two.  Not only they the former "hosts" of this blog, but they are my favorite characters from Marvel and DC respectively.

They have, of course, met before in other Lost Issues -  They last faced a fiery situation in STF #554... They topped off an Anniversary Issue in STF #500... before that, They battled the Riddler/Trapster team... earlier, The Thing discovered the Bat Cave... and was handed control of The Outsiders... not to mention This Whole Blog... and finally first appeared together in one of the earliest covers...


  1. Thing ring do your thing.

  2. Methinks Hush and the Super Skrull have been up to some mischief. Either them; or The "Mad" Thinker, the Puppet Master, and Silver Age Clayface. Or, worst of all possibilities: Alfred as the Silver Age Outsider, himself!*

    *Picture Two-face with Adam Warlock's abilities.

  3. Ben Grimm is one of my 5 favorite Marvels of all time ("Marvel Two In One" was my favorite book back in the day, and actually "Brave & Bold" ranked right up there too), but current artists don't draw him correctly. They make him too tall, or minimize his rocky brow ridge, or make him too thin (like in the image you chose today).

  4. Now I want to see Alfred and Petunia together.

  5. you must have been pleased with their brief encounter in jla/avengers

  6. Is this image primarily from the MTU Annual that first introduced The Champion?

  7. P.S.(@ Carycomic)---There's a fourth possibility that's even worse than that. Doc Doom's physical body was killed off. But, his astral body took over Rayeesh Al Gool's corporeal form via Ovoid transmigration. And he's now used the same technique to make Batman unconsciously do the very THINGS he's been accused of!

  8. No, It's not from that Annual.

  9. @ Ross: thanks! :-)
