Friday, December 22, 2023

The Rocket Pack in: "The Fuse is Lit!"


The Rocket Pack first appeared in STF #3760, and as soon as I made the cover I realized there was antoher hero that I wanted to add.  I liked Kurt Busiek's Power Company comic for DC back in the day, though it did not last very long.  My favorite character in that series was Skyrocket.  It's too bad she has only made a couple of small cameo appearances since that series ended.  I felt like she had a lot of potential, and I liked that she was not just a female version of a previously existing male character.


  1. The best "Rocket"...Rocket Robin Hood!

  2. one of their first targets: Roxy Rocket!!

  3. @Anon529: he couldn't make it for the group photo. All his Arrow Shirts were at the cleaners.

    @Ross: my favorite character was Witchfire. If only because it would hopefully spur an intercompany crossover between Power Company and Alpha Flight due to the "revelation" that she was also the same-named character from Marvel!

    But, alas, that hope was dashed. :-(

  4. Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

  5. @Meowth: Ah, yes! The klutzy redheaded siblings who were so cute when they were being forgettable. :-)

  6. Don't tell me. Let me guess. Circe's changed GL Ch'p into a beaver and abducted Groot to be the former's first meal. Hence, Rocket Raccoon leading the rest of Rocket Pack to the rescue!

  7. And their transport is Rickety Rocket (not sure if anyone remembers that cartoon).

  8. Do they play red rocket like Cartman?

  9. With theme music by Red Rocket 7?

  10. And choreography by the Radio City Rockettes?

  11. Seriously, though; at least, this time, Rocket's pink contrail is coming from her upper torso. Much more artistically pleasing.

  12. Skyrocket in flight. Afternoon delight!
