Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Batman & Robin and The Avengers


Set photos from the upcoming Batgirl movie seem to indicate that there is a Robin active in that version of Gotham City.  It's still uncertain as to how Batman will even be handled in that movie - Commissioner Gordon will be played by The Snyderverse's  J.K. Simmons, but Ben Affleck will have already retired from Playing the Dark Knight following the events of The Flash - a film which will also bring back Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne, setting him up to appear in Batgirl.  Maybe all of this will make more sense once we se a trailer, but it seems a bit crazy right now.

Batman met with The Avengers a few times way back in my Brave and the Bold: The Lost Issues! days - First when he tried to rewrite the team's roster, then when he was a part of the the original line-up and finally with Cap's Kooky Quartet...


  1. 1)Batman's "betrayal" of the original Avengers was doubtless due to the Space Phantom.

    2)His saving of Cap's life not only redeemed him. It also earned him permanent membership; if only as a Reservist!

    3) His seven "keepers" (if I were him) would consist of Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, the Wasp, the Vision, the Black Widow, Wonder Man and the Beast.

    4) Based on the presence of Clint Barton, as Goliath II, I suspect these Avengers are Skrull impostors.

  2. @Cary: well, you were three-sevenths right about who he kept.

  3. Based on the issue numbers on those B&B covers, it would seem that Batman's betrayal of the original roster came first (#22), then pared down the roster much later (#110), and assisted the "kooky quartet" afterward (#117).

    But this particular cover looks like it could've been an actual cover of The Brave and the Bold from the mid- to late 60s or early 70s (whenever this Avengers roster is from). Really, Ross, I think you can put this one in your Best Of gallery. I wouldn't change a pixel.

    I think a clue to the situation is in the yellow color in Goliath's speech balloon. Cary could be right about these Avengers being Skrulls, but I'm suspecting mind control of some sort, possibly on the part of the Psycho-Pirate.

  4. After Arrow's "betrayal" of the JLA in #5 (When Gravity Went Wild) was explained, it showed how easy it is to turn a whole situation around based on info not had.
    The Batman then could have been a fake unlike the one now on the cover. Ross you not only have great covers, but really surprising story twists.

  5. I love this group of Avengers. This is actually from Incredible Hulk # 128.

  6. Wait! This isn't Baron Strucker's underground base?!

  7. Either that, or Baron Blood's crypt.
