Thursday, January 13, 2022

Tigra and Zatanna


Zatanna is another DC Character that has had a movie announcement with no following information since.  There have been rumors that it will be a solo movie and others that indicate it may be a Justice League Dark story featuring other DC supernatural characters, with Zatanna in the lead.  There have even been actresses teasing that they are up for the role.  Still, with no official announcements, I'm not holding my breath waiting for this one.  It's been eight years since The Rock first started talking about playing Black Adam, after all.


  1. Z knew that Circe changed him. Literally trying to save Tigra's life.

  2. That looks like a old supergirl cover from 50 year’s ago

  3. I've mentioned this before, but it does warrant repeating (in case anyone who can actually do anything about it comes across this comment):

    Zatanna's second appearance on Smallville had her on a personal quest, going around the country retrieving artifacts that her father had cursed before going missing. I thought at the time, and still do, that that would make a fantastic premise for a solo series around the character, and it would still fit into the Arrowverse quite neatly (with opportunities to visit Gotham, Central City, Smallville... even National City, Star City, Detroit, and others with heroes not currently in a series, as well as some that have been alluded to but never actually shown (like Blue Beetle and Swamp Thing). The show could even occasionally let us catch up with characters who have gone off other shows: Mecha-Vibe, Ragman, Arsenal, Kid Flash, et al.

  4. I remember this from ADVENTURE COMICS! Though, it was Supergirl and Zee playing tug-of-war with some thrill-seeking playboy (who was _not_ Bruce Wayne).

    As for a Zatanna feature film? When it comes to Hollywood hype, take everything with the proverbial grain of salt. In my case; I sadly feel I'll see WAR OF THE INDEPENDENTS #5 finally published before either Zee or Black Adam get to the silver screen.

  5. John, this is from the cover of Supergirl #10 from the early 70's

    1. it is actually Supergirl #7 but still from the early 70s......

  6. I think it's weirder that my initial attempts, to sign on this morning, kept getting some kind of disruptive buffering. Were you doing electronic maintenance just before 11AM, Ross?

  7. I've been at work at my normal person job, it wasn't me!

  8. @John S, Jack-el, and Carycomic: if that particular issue of "Supergirl" came out in 1972, then, yeah. Technically, that really is fifty years ago!

  9. Good point!

    Zee sure ages well, Doesn't she?

  10. P.S.---I suddenly had a mental image of these two doing this tug-of-war, in an animated sequence, to the tune of "All The Single Ladies."

  11. @Cary: I'd go more with a mashup of "Torn Between Two Lovers" and a gender-reversed rendition of Jackson & McCartney's "The Girl is Mine."

  12. @ShadowWingTronix: not as yeti. ;-D

  13. Postscript to my Jan. 12 missive: well, we've seen Black Adam make it to the silver screen in live action. But, I'm afraid my dubiousness still remains intact for a Zatanna flick in the same mode.
