Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Robo Force in: "Who Shot R2D2?"


Remember "Who Shot JR?"  I didn't even watch Dallas and I had to find out who did it.  It was a pretty big pop culture moment back in those pre-internet days - maybe because there was no way for the conclusion to be spoiled!

This is Robo Force's eighth appearance on the blog - They first became a team back in STF #150...  they battled Ultron in STF #202... they almost lost one of their own in STF #1450... they faced off against Brainiac in STF #1850...  they battled Magnus: Robot Fighter in STF #2090... a rival group was introduced in STF #2450... and that group had an adventure all their own in STF #2570...


  1. Comment Deleted Could NOT HaveJanuary 26, 2021 at 7:19 AM

    It was C3P0 right after the Christmas special. He's had a fake taking R2's place all these years.

  2. It was one of Dr. Aphra's psychotic robots.

  3. H H Horsefeathers, public eyeJanuary 26, 2021 at 7:54 AM

    It was R2-D2! This body is a fake!

    You're using I am not a Robot with this? That's an insult to robots everywhere.

  4. @Horace Feathers: So is robocide. Wouldn't you agree?

    @Ross: It was R5-D4! He's insanely jealous of how legendary R2-D2 has become since the Battle of Yavin. And, as we all know from the story of Cain and Abel, when it comes to murder, jealousy is the original bad motivator.

  5. I say it was a Skrull disguised as Red Tornado. Because Artoo Deetoo knew the real Reddy was busy helping the Falcon against the Dust Devils @ STF #3207!

    Who, btw, are probably dust mites mutated/gigantized by Arnim Zola.

  6. Looking at the extent of the damage, I'd say it was a T-800* disguised as Big Shot.

    I've got to hand it to you, though, Ross. This week is really turning into a series of shiners. First, yesterday's brilliant photo cover; now the return of one of the blog's oldest and most beloved teams.

    *We do need to see Robo-Force vs. Terminator at some point. Plus, how about Terminator vs. the Living Dead? "Double Apocalypse!"

  7. My sister was born the year of the "Who Shot JR?" phenomenon... and her first and middle initials are in fact JR, though my mother insists it had nothing to do with Dallas.

  8. It's that generation gap thing, Mike. When I talk to people under age 25 about Patrick Duffy's stint as Bobby Ewing, most of them tend to reply: "Didn't he quit showbiz to play for the NBA?"

    My kingdom for a counter top to bang my head against!

  9. Naa. He went back to Atlantis and wrote about the Man from there.

  10. When do they meet Ross Andru's Metal Men?

  11. @Art, Junior: Then, I say it was one of Immortus' Space Phantoms disguised as...K-9 of the Rival Roboforce!

  12. And for those who might be wondering why, the answer is simple. The Construct has re-coalesced and is now threatening to enter the Marvel multiverse! Toward what end? He wants to usurp control of Sequoia's corporeal body!

    For those two young to remember: Sequoia is the son of Mantis by the phyto-genetic clone of the Swordsman created by the Elder Cotati at the Vietnamese Temple of Pama. Technically, he was born in the pre-Crisis DC multiverse...where his mother briefly called herself "Willow."

    This gives him the potential to out-Access Access when it comes to pan-dimensional travel. It also gives Ross the potential to author a new multi-parter: "Robots vs. Plants!"

  13. @Cary: For the ultimate in pan-dimensional travel, try Jenny Everywhere! She's appeared in just about every multiverse (this being one of the exceptions)!

  14. Was she in the first four issues of WAR OF THE INDEPENDENTS from Red Anvil?

  15. Ross, next time you get this gang together, could they face off against a Ghost/Demon in the Machine? Something like Christine.

  16. Then, I would be compelled to observe that she has not quite lived up to her last name. ;-)
