Monday, January 25, 2021

Batman & Robin and The Fonz


For some reason the first meeting between Batman and The Fonz (a somewhat crude early MS Paint attempt from my B&B: The Lost Issues! days) has been one of this blog's most clicked on posts, and I have always meant to do a follow up.  When comics' historian and patron of this blog Marc Tyler Nobleman requested a Fonz jumping the shark theme, I finally had my opportunity.  I just hope visitors don't point to this cover as the moment STF lost its way...


  1. Hheeeyy!!!
    i can say no more,Ross, you have outdone yourself!!!

  2. is that Bruce the shark from Jaws?

  3. Where’s the Bat Shark Repellent?

  4. H H Horsefeathers IIIJanuary 25, 2021 at 8:43 AM

    And That was the Fonz tryout for a shot on Battle of the Network Stars! Judges?

  5. Cool cover just at first glance then to see the Fonz escaping King Shark? Gold!

  6. Holy Jumping Sharks, indeed!

  7. On the contrary Ross; I think this cover will be regarded as one of your greatest! (Even without the inclusion of "that person" whom I suggested a few days back... maybe for the next photo cover.) And, like MHS, it took me a moment to realize that that was King Shark that the heroes are fleeing, which is a brilliant touch on multiple levels.

    And, really, the work is so seamless that I can't tell that it isn't an actual screenshot from an actual TV-movie. Given that Happy Days was on not long after Batman, and Adam West and Burt Ward continued to make appearances as those characters for some time after the show went off, it'd be easy to have false memories, even considering that King Shark's first appearance was in 1994 (never mind that SFX wouldn't have been up to a live-action version in the '70s, much less one of this quality).

    From the look on Fonzie's face, I'd guess that he just cheesed off King Shark on purpose, with the goal of leading him into a trap. Either Batman and Robin don't know about this idea, or aren't sure it's going to work!

    Really, about the only way this cover could've been cooler would be if these three were dealing with a Sharknado. (I've never seen any of that franchise, but from what I understand of them, the fit would be perfect for these three.)

  8. Interesting that some seem to see an escape form King Shark. To me it looks like he is about to devour Arthur Fonzarelli, while he and the Dynamic Duo are blissfully unaware.

    Glad you like this one though, it was tricky, Fonzie's BG stopped just above his head so I had to extend that , and getting the shark to appear behind the ski spray was tough to get right.

  9. Great, but should have had "Jumping the shark" on the cover as the title.

  10. Nah, too on the nose. My visitors are smart enough to get the joke without having to spell it out.

  11. Bob, it isn't necessarily King Shark. It could be the old Green Lantern villain the Shark (GL # 24)/

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  12. Ok, Ross. This is for you.
    It's 8 pm near an all night diner. Whimpy is on the corner saying,"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a bite now. Vampirella is rolling over in laughter.
    Caption: Just Asking for it.

  13. OMG! STF has finally jumped the shark! How could you?

    OK, I'll STF up now.

  14. 1) I love the live action adaptations!
    B) Especially a Batman '66 live action adaptation!
    3) This is just awesome!

  15. @Bob Greenwade: trust me! If they had seen the original TV-movie of "Sharknado," like I unfortunately did, nobody in their right mind would've voluntarily watched any of the sequels (let alone, enjoyed them).

  16. Oh, I don't know, Anon. Maybe Ross could do a sequel to this cover featuring Lee Majors and Patrick Duffy. I can see it, now...

    "The Six Million Dollar Man and The Man From Atlantis vs.THE SHARKNADO TYRANT!"

  17. @Cary: sounds like the Love Craft will soon be making another run.

  18. Carries His Own Sea ChestJanuary 26, 2021 at 10:08 PM

    @Cary - save time: The Six Million Dollar Man from Atlantis.

  19. Comment Deleted Could Not haveJanuary 27, 2021 at 10:43 AM

    Hey that was a female shark! Fonz was telling her Watch the hands! Watch the hands!
    She said Sure Old Chum.

  20. Sorry, Yung Chum: Bobby-san is still MVP (Most Venerated Punster).

  21. Cover of the month!

  22. holy 50's batman!!!! the fonz really gets around. indeed old chum

  23. Who was that masked fish charging usurious interest for the loan of a fin?*


    * $5.00 US.

  24. Good thing Bat-Man carried shark repellent!

  25. I am not a rowboat.
