Saturday, April 27, 2019

Rival Robo Force

I liked the roster of this all-new Robo Force team so much that I decided to give them their own cover.

This is Robo Force's seventh appearance on the blog - This rival group was introduced in STF #2450... they battled Magnus: Robot Fighter in STF #2090... they faced off against Brainiac in STF #1850... they almost lost one of their own in STF #1450... they battled Ultron in STF #202 and first became a team back in STF #150...


  1. Think Rosie the Robot (from the GRAPHIC NOVEL version the the Jetsons(2017))will meet Magnus: Robot Fighter?

  2. Now, that's a GOOD group! In the wings, awaits the Metal Men, Robotman Cliff & a Superman robot while the other wing holds Cyborg Superman, Metallo, the evil JLA robots from Justice League #13, Cybermen & the sentinels. That's a BIG wing!

    With so many more created over the years from movies, tv (8th Man especially) & comics, you have a decade's worth of stories easily. Not too many female robots though. Besides Metal Men, The Avengers, Battlestar G., Astrogirl, Data's offspring & Rosie, I can't recall much more.

  3. det_Tobor said...
    "Not too many female robots though. Besides Metal Men, The Avengers, Battlestar G., Astrogirl, Data's offspring & Rosie, I can't recall much more."
    Beautie, from Astro City. (She's a member of Honor Guard, which is that setting's equivalent to the JLA or the Avengers.)

  4. Wow! This time, it's been _eighty_ issues since you last used them. You're slowing down on us, dude!


    Seriously, though: I have to wonder which long-lost Transformer is after the All-spark, this time. Or could it be some other artificially intelligent life form? Like, say, the mechas of...THE MATRIX!

    Either way, it still feels a little hypocritical for your security chief to click the "No robots" thing back on after admitting these guys.

  5. Another female robot was Ilda, the girl friday, e.g. the brains of the outfit, to circa 2079 private detective Star Hawkins in early-60's "Strange Adventures" (DC).

  6. Thank you both for the femme recall. Now I remember them both. (loved KB's Astrocity and things you wouldn't see elsewhere like Samaritan's dream flying or the First Family making a friend with an alien enemy family member.)

  7. No room for Johnny Sokko's Flying Robot? How about for the next meeting they take on the Cybermen or the Cybernauts?

  8. I like how you made these all live action it’s looks cool how about for the next one you can have Doomsday fight Thanos

  9. For any one curious, here are * live action 8th Man movie ** A sequel of sorts called 8th Man After *** a sampler of an original episode For the 1960s, this was ahead of its time.

  10. Cover of the month!

  11. What?! No Robby The Robot? For shame!
