Monday, March 13, 2017

Hawkman Vs. Hercules in : "The Battle of Midway!"

Both of these bare-chested brawlers are known to be a little hot headed at times, so I don't imagine that it would take too much to spark a conflict between the two of them.  Hercules has the edge on strength, Hawkman with flight, and they both can wield a wicke mace - I'd say it's a pretty even matchup.

Herc met the Silver Age Hawkman in STF #849...


  1. Hercules would take Hawkman in a fight. Carter Hall is an archaeologist. Katar Hol may be an alien space-cop, he'd still lose. He'd only be able to keep his distance in flight for so long.

  2. But, up until then, I can just hear Herc grudginly acknowledging:

    "By The Wings of Icarus!* Thou art the fairest flier I have e'er met."

    *That is, of course, a slight paraphrase of Friar Tuck from WB's 1939 classic "The Adventures Of Robin Hood."

  3. I know these two have met before, and something about these two together just works for me. Nice visual and a good idea behind their meeting.

    And, Cary Comic, you referenced my all-time favorite movie!

    And speaking of Hercules, I would love to see a cover featuring a "Council of Herculeses" featuring Marvel's Hercules, Charlton's Herucles, Disney's Hercules, DC's Hercules (from Hercules Unbound) Quality Comics Joe Hercules and the Hercules from Savage Dragon.... I'm sure there are others.

  4. If Carter Hall was told that the artifacts were stolen by a reliable, level-headed expert he'd gladly turn them over but Prince of Power is rarely level-headed. The savage Hawkman with full Nth metal healing and other abilities could probably hold Hercules off but how much damage would they do in meantime?

  5. Maybe the "Council of Herculeses" could go looking for Steve Reeves and Kevin Sorbo. Speaking of which, I knew Supergirl had gotten Teri Hatcher as a guest star, but was surprised to see Kevin as her date.

  6. Sonofjack, what about the Herculoids?

  7. It's a funny thing with Hawkman. With the almost bare chest, he would have one of the easiest costumes to wear under normal clothes in his secret identity, but that advantage is thrown to the winds by that mask and wings. "That looks like a job for Hawkman. Whoops, I'm out, no costume. All I can do is press my JLA signal device and hope someone else can come."

  8. Of course, Ross has the final say, but personally, I would say "No," to the Herculoids. However, I would say "Yes!" to The Mighty Hercules from the cartoons of the 1960s. This is the one who had a theme song that started out:

    Hercules, hero of song and story,
    Hercules, winner of ancient glory.

  9. Nahhhhhhhhh! The Herculoids would be _lots_ better!

    But, failing that, I'd accept the gender-swapped counterpart from DC's Earth-349.


  10. I like the Herculoids, but I wouldn't put them in a team of Herculeses (Herculi?). If they qualify, then you might as well include Hercule Poirot.

    BTW, Anon #2, the Silver Age Hawks kept their costumes -- masks and wings included -- compress inside their hawk medallions, in much the same way as Barry Allen stored his Flash costume compressed in his ring. A stretch of the imagination, sure, but I always got a kick out of seeing that red suit shoot out of the ring. It was a signal that the action was about to begin; the visual equivalent of the music swelling in a movie or TV show.

  11. Anyone else remember Edge of Chaos, a 3-part series that Gray Morrow did in 1983 for Pacific Comics? A present-day man was sent back to ancient Greece to try to stop an alien conqueror. The time-travel process somehow increased his strength. The man's name was Eric Cleese, but the people of the time heard it as Heracles.

  12. Actually, Bob, I remember a Silver Age Elongated Man story where the Halls accompanied the Dibneys on a vacation cruise. Pirates boarded the luxury liner and it wasn't till the very last panel that Carter found his Hawkman regalia where Shiera had hidden it!

    So, my namesake's spoof of the Clark Kent quote wasn't that off-base.
