Sunday, March 12, 2017

Jesse Quick and Northstar

While I have been enjoying all of the DC characters included featured on The Flash, I think that Jesse Quick misses the mark a bit.  Sure she's a speedster (which ne show has no shortage of), but her connection to Johnny Quick is gone.  Her costume doesn't look like any of the various looks that she has sported in the comics - she comes off more as Lady Flash than Jesse Quick.  Hopefully there can be some tweaks made to get her closer to her comic book counterpart.


  1. You do recall Jesse Quick in this costume though, don't you?

  2. I do, it was from when Jesse was supposed to be taking place of Wally.

  3. Yeah that was a blink and you miss it one, again too much like Lady Flash, I prefer a costume with a Johnny Quick connection.

  4. It is interesting that for both Jesse Quick and Northstar that this there first solo covers. First one for Jesse if tags are right.

  5. Sad thing is, they COULD have made Johnny Quick a member of the JSA to establish his look, and then let her model the costume after his, due to the nickname she already had. So few members of the JSA (in that franchise) are actually based on Golden Age characters, I would have minded them borrowing Johnny to stand in for Jay.

  6. Oh, I do prefer her original duds. Plus, the connection to her dad was a natural way to include female super-speedsters. What they did on the TV show was just get the 6th (or is it 7th?) super-speedster.

  7. Northstar has had a cover with The Flash as well.

  8. Crazy Ivan said...
    "Sad thing is, they COULD have made Johnny Quick a member of the JSA to establish his look, and then let her model the costume after his, due to the nickname she already had. So few members of the JSA (in that franchise) are actually based on Golden Age characters, I would have minded them borrowing Johnny to stand in for Jay."

    I've read a couple of issues of the JSA's short-lived comic run from just before Zero Hour, and it looked as though Johnny might have become a member at that stage...

  9. @Simreeve: Yeah, during the non-multiverse era it was implied that all the WWII heroes had been members of the JSA and the "All-Star Squadron" name for the larger group was ignored, although I don't recall any on-panel depiction of the AS-S folks that weren't in the JSA before the war actually joining the JSA after the war.

  10. After the the last three episodes of THE FLASH, I'm seriously beginning to hope Savitar puts the whole cast out of their disappointed fans' misery.

  11. @Anonymous: then just do what I did. Stop watching it, altogether! Simple as that.

  12. @Cary: You should start watching it again, see if it's gotten better. And you're no talk show host.

    @Cover: LOVE LOVE LOVE. Dunno who the other guy is, BUT JESSE QUICK!
