Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hourman and The X-Men in: "The Rex Factor!"

I was all excited when Hourman appeared at the end of the first season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but I have to I was disappointed with what was actually done with him.  Rather than become a new member of the team. he was unceremoniously killed off before he got to do anything heroic.  Hopefully, given the time-travel nature of the show, the indignity can be undone some day.

Hourman faced off against the original team of X-Men in one of my very first STF covers...


  1. Hourman versus the X-Men....

    "The Rex Factor".....

    This is EXACTLY what keeps me coming back to this site day after day after day ....

  2. Thanks, Sonofjack... I had to laugh posting this one - I know I've done the blog a long time when I am on my *second* Hourman/X-Men cover.

  3. Heh! And to think Captain America settled for evading the original Avengers for just one minute.

    I'd like to see him evade Rex Tyler, himself, for the other fifty-nine! ;-D

  4. Not inconceivable, CC.

    In the STF-verse, Miraclo could be a pharmacological offshoot of the original Erskine Formula of the Super-Soldier Serum!

  5. Nice to see the tick tock terror back!

    For one of your ensemble covers, would you consider a Rex team: Rex Tyler (JSA), Rex King (former ward of the Phantom), Rex from the First Family(Astro City), Rex (Toy Story)? Maybe vs. The Wrecking Crew: Rex vs Wrecks

  6. And speaking of Astro City, that would be a great place for the Jetsons to take their dog for a holiday

  7. @Anon: you forgot Rex the Wonder Dog (who might even team up with Astro Jetson).

  8. I did forget him, but I don't think that Rex my suggestion.

  9. I agree. Definitely not a bone of contention. ;-)
