Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Green Lantern Vs. Ultron

Gil Kane and Sal Buscema - few artists could depict a hero throwing or getting hit by a punch with as much power as they did.  They really knew how to instill the maximum amount of action through body language.

Let's hope that GL can stop Ultron before he wreaks as much havoc on the JLA as he did the last time...  or even the time he put both the JLA and JSA in a tight spot...


  1. Love Gilbert Kane's Green Lantern. Hated it when, in the mid '60s, Kane's love of drawing fist fights meant that we got to see less power ring action. That's why GL was usually more fun in the JLA than in his own book.

  2. Autocorrect changed Gil to Gilbert when I wasn't looking.

  3. Ultron would paint himself yellow.

    1. And get his ass kicked anyway because GL has years of experience getting around that.

  4. @DW: Unless, of course, he was under the control of...The Construct!*

    *I'm honestly surprised that 30 years' worth of ret-cons haven't revived "him" as a JLA foe. DC's revived everyone else!

  5. @Cary: The Construct, being DC's version of Skynet, was a product of its time, when the Internet was a great unknown that some folks were afraid would destroy civilization. Of course, now we know that only little things like credit card numbers, elections, and power grids get hacked ....

  6. @Jay: Well, maybe DC could bring back the Construct to get Luthor back in the White House.

  7. @Jay and Bob: like I said. They've revived everyone else. So, why not?

  8. They brought the Construct back towards the end of 'JLA', the 1990s/2000s series: It was being contained in an artificial "habitat" attached to the JLA's 'watchtower' HQ, and every time it got too big they shattered it down into smaller parts which took a while to merge into a being large enough to be self-aware. However the last time that it approached "too big", and J'onnn explained the situation to Wally West, Wally suggested that the reason for its personality problems was it effectively having 'grown up' as the only intelligence of whose existence it was really aware, and talked J'onn into feeding the shattered signal through some sort of splitter that divided it so that it re-formed as a whole population of beings instead... and that worked: In fact, the new [saner] society that was formed by the former Construct's fragments was friendly enough that it actively helped the JLA with at least one situation when asked to do so...

  9. @Simreeve: Unfortunately, the so-called "New 52" throws all that out the proverbial window. So, both good news and bad news? The Construct could come back, unexpectedly, anytime the writers are stuck for a better fill-in villain.

    P.S.---The Construct's more of a robot than I am. ;-)

  10. @Anonymous - Well with Rebirth it could be a superior version to anything PU 52! Maybe we'll find out this version is behind Dr. Manhattan's meddling. ;-)

  11. The Construct could be a good Cyborg villain.

    Back on subject of this cover Ultron would have a lot of trouble dealing with Green Lantern unless he was able to attack Hal some other way. His usual physical methods would not be effective.
