Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Doctor Doom and Doctor Fate in "Enemy Of My Enemy!"

Even though I am a huge Hellboy fan, I always love it when Mike Mignola works on characters from Marvel and DC.  Gotham by Gaslight, Cosmic Odyssey and Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom are among my favorite works of his.  He has done a ton of great cover art for both companies as well.

You know that it must have taken a lot for these two to work together considering how their last encounter turned out...


  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!

    The doctors are back in the house.

  2. @Cary: Evidently, you and Ross are the only ones in favor of this sequel. :-(

  3. @Anonymous: most of them are probably just sleeping off their New Year's weekend benders.

  4. I approve. This is a team-up I would love to read.

  5. Personally, I loved the idea and am glad to see a sequel.

    What I would also love is an issue with Dr Chaos (the blue helmeted Earth-One counterpart of Dr. Fate's that I remember popping up in a 80'S Superboy issue) & the good Dr. Doom in gold armor from What If (and even a RPG module?).

  6. I always wanted another DC/Marvel crossover just so Doom could swipe the helmet and fuse it with his armor. "You've lost, Nelson! The Helm of Nabu is mine, as it rightfully should be! For what is fate, but another word for ... DOOM!!"
