Monday, August 12, 2024

Infinity Inc. and Captain America


Cap is used to working with the next generation of heroes, so it would only be a matter of time before he crossed paths with the Infinitors. He's met Solomon Grundy a couple of times on the blog - first a solo match up in STF #1430, and then an adventure with The Invaders in STF #3623... 


  1. Excellent action-packed cover, Ross! Just one question, though? Was it ever canonically established whether or not Grundy (being a half-plant zombie) was just as immune to Jade's inherited energies as he was to GL Alan Scott's ring power?

  2. Garycomic, does Poison Ivy know about that bit?
    Ross, it might be interesting if Cap met Fury, this Earth's Wonder Woman's daughter.
    Wouldn't it be something if Disney HAD bought DC & Marvel to make new movies??

  3. To Detective Anonymous: I imagine that's why pre-COIC Alan Scott fell for the Golden Age Thorn.

  4. @Anon 6:54: I wonder if Tiana and Fox’s Anastasia could meet; they are both in similar time periods and have enemies with demonic alliances.

  5. @Anon 6:54:Now that Disney bought Fox Animation, maybe Tiana could meet Anastasia; they both live in similar time periods and have foes with demonic alliances.

    1. I'd rather see Flare (from the League of Champions) battle E-Man's energetic sister Vampfire.

  6. The crew of Futurama go to Treasure Planet, for instance?

  7. I might buy that last one for sixty cents.
