Sunday, August 11, 2024

Gorilla Grodd on the Planet of the Apes


I think that I may have seen this match up suggested in the comments, and it really is a natural one.  I had to look up to see which intelligent ape civilization came first, PotA or Gorilla City.  To my surprise, the comic book version debuted first, in 1959, while Pierre Boulle's Apes novel came out on 1963.  I wonder if Boulle was a comics fan?


  1. Maybe an issue where Captain Carrot and the Zoo Cerw visit Kamandi’s world.

  2. If so, Ross, then it's just as likely he read CONGO BILL v. 1/#6 from July 1955 which introduced a slightly different Gorilla City. One that was initially explained away as a colony of disguised Martians!* In that light, Bob Rozakis might have read a back issue of that mag when he wrote the story (in DC SUPERSTARS #14) that "revised" Gorilla City as an extra-terrestrial civilization from the planet Calor. But, one that was brought to Earth by a Grodd-controlled GL Hal Jordan!
    Of course, the "truth" of that startling "revelation" became irrelevant with the chronological reboot that occurred following the original COIC.

    *As they were intent on conquering our world, I have to wonder if they might have been some of Silver Age Commander Blanx's people.

  3. Boulle also wrote Bridge Over The River Kwai so the hero from that can meet Obi Wan.

    1. William Holden meets Ewan McGregor? Interesting!

  4. That should've, of course, read COIE (Crisis On Infinite Earths). But, since 1985, I've thought it as "Crisis Of Ill-advised Change".

  5. Yet again a great concept. @Cary's mention of Congorilla makes me wish he was part of this too.
    And then of course there's Detective Chimp...
    (I would draw the line at Beppo the Super Monkey.)

  6. I wish i could say Flash fact, He was.....but....

  7. just once, i wish they would have someone like Grodd say Nope, they are not worth the bother.

  8. It's unlikely that M. Boulle was a comics fan; American comics rarely made it across the Atlantic in those days.

    At this point, I think we've landed all of the simian characters from Marvel and DC on the Planet of the Apes. For a big change of pace, how about unleashing the Killer Tomatoes?

  9. @Bob Greenwade: Hit Monkey never made it to POTA.

    1. Ah, yes! Hit Monkey first, then the Killer Tomatoes.

    2. Split the diiference, guys. GL Alan Scott vs. the Killer Tomatoes...on the Planet of the Apes. Tentative Title?
      "Playing Ketchup!"

  10. It's a shame that Grodd didn't have Giganta by his side for this adv.

  11. Yeah, those soldier apes would've taken one look at her and she would've been the "gorilla" their dreams.

  12. P.S.---sorry! I just couldn't resist. :-)
