Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Doom Patrol and Captain Marvel


To think that we could have gotten a scene of the Classic Mar-Vell or a properly realized Supreme Intelligence in the Captain Marvel movie - and we were given a tired looking Annette Bening as a substitute for both.  What a missed opportunity. I do think that Bening is a talented actress, but I have to believe that's not what fans were hoping for.


  1. I suspect we may get more comic accurate Marvel characters as variants in the upcoming Secret War.

  2. Marvel Films probably didn't have enough money in the visual effects budget to simulate a disembodied green head with snake-like tendrils coming out of it. So, they went with the in-story alibi of the Kree trying to keep Carol Danvers properly brainwashed through holographic images of a familiar friend.

  3. Howard the Duck and Superman should team up, because of their Cleveland connections!

  4. Any woman who could make Warren Beatty settle down is not to be scoffed at.

  5. Since the MCU's Supreme Intelligence was destroyed right after Captain Marvel (as shown in The Marvels), the Kree might try rebuilding it, and then Marvel Studios could show us a comics-accurate version. It's highly unlikely, I'll admit, but it's a possibility.

  6. but...with the multi-verse now in play, it could still happen, even as a flashback.
    This is a very nice cover of Danger Alert! And, this would have been a GREAT team-up as Cap would have appreciated the 'civilians' who put their lives on the line.

  7. Captain Marvel is another great example of costumes using a primary color scheme. Superman too, it makes them pop off the page. That could be a cool team, The Primaries

  8. I agree with Ivan, we're probably going to see comic-accurate versions of lots of people, places, and things in the near future, and I'm sure Mar-Vell will be one such example.

  9. @Ben W: we might even get to see a video game where a certain half-Contraxian Earthling gets to meet Mickey Mouse. "Jack of Kingdom Hearts"!

  10. @Bob Greenwade: that would work for me.
