Saturday, March 16, 2024

Dick Tracy and Captain Marvel in: "Fisticuffs and Forensics!"


Maybe it's the squinty eyes, but these two always seem to fit together, despite the different types of stories that they get involved in. I can definitely see them forming a World's Finest type partnership.  Dick Tracy and Captain Marvel first met on the blog in STF #1322...


  1. What if...Billy Batson said his magic word, and thereby caused Dick Tracy to become the Flash.

  2. What if...they finally learn who offed Rats McTattler?

  3. I thought he was still alive. Just in a drug-induced coma.

  4. Even with the speed of Mercury, you just can't rush chemistry!

    The art styles in general go together well for these two characters. It's not just the eyes; it's the lines in general that make even this cover look like it could've been drawn by one artist.

    I just had a flash of inspiration: re-unite The Captains Marvel for a multi-part adventure, where the Marvel & DC versions are hunting for their android team leader's missing parts (all of them). Those with matched-up partners on this blog could even reach out (like Freddie with Kamala, or Carol with Kara).

  5. How.about Captain Caveman build a lightning shooting club with Ash’s Pikachu?

  6. @Bob G, sometimes you can rush chemistry...a centrifuge can be done at super speed.
    Seeing Cap using his mind is enjoyable,just a bit rarer.
    I could see Tracy and Bruce Wayne at a college lab, encouraging each other to fight future crime. That would be great.
    Seeing Tracy in a new movie would probably be one filled with bloodied victims. CGI wouldn't make a difference in that case. Beatty's version isn't seen that often now.
    How would Tracy interact with Wonder Woman, when she's not seen as an outlaw? Being super but not being a masked, mystery woman, would he have a problem treating her as an "equal"? Would he appreciate her personality being more for peace? Looking out more for the victims?

  7. Didn't Mr. Magoo once guest-star on the Dick Tracy cartoon show as a hit man named "Squinty Eyes"?

  8. Great cover, and love the World's Finest idea!

  9. Bob Greenwade said...
    "I just had a flash of inspiration: re-unite The Captains Marvel for a multi-part adventure, where the Marvel & DC versions are hunting for their android team leader's missing parts (all of them)."

    Just a stray thought about that android hero's[detachable] parts_ I wonder
    whether, under the costume (if that isn't just his synthetic body's integral outer layer), he is 'anatomically correct'?
