Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Robin & Starfire Vs. Darth Vader


Darth Vader and Starfire have a bit of history on this blog - Starfire first ran afoul of the Empire in STF #397, and was taken hostage by Vader in STF #398... (her marriage to The Silver Surfer was resolved in STF #2200, if you're curious).  Vader was last seen taunting Starfire by joining forces with her sister in STF #3047.


  1. Nicely done! Go get him Kory!

  2. don’t you just love a long term romance, Starfire & Darth…
    interesting cover… i would enjoy reading this one…

  3. Lol! Shouldn't that be "...joining forces with _her_ sister..."?

  4. I wonder how Vader would do against the sword-wielding Starfire who used to battle the Yorgs and Mygorgs?

  5. Since we're talking about taming the next cover could be a team-up between the Tamers from Monster Allergy and Hellboy.

  6. Robin is such a snowflake. He'll be in stasis with them until Starfire is "done".
    Who to save him??

  7. Marlo Thomas as "That Girl! Nana-nana-nana-nana-nana! That Girl!"

  8. P.S. @ Ross: good job! :-)

  9. One final thought (that just occurred to me). This could tie in very nicely, with STF #4264, as a prequel!

    I mean, think about it. Black Adam needed the Silver Surfer to super-charge him for the fight "against" Galactus. But, the Surfer knew BA's reputation a little too well to blindly do so just for the heck of it. So, BA bought himself a little credibility by rescuing the Surfer's ex-wife's boyfriend, from Vader, with one super-fast sucker punch!

    The rest, as they say, is history.

  10. "I don't know who 'they' are. But, I wish 'they' would just shut up!"
    ---Jerry Seinfeld
