Saturday, October 28, 2023

Miss America and The Star-Spangled Kid


Kicking it old school today with a pair of Patriotic Heroes.  The main reason I wanted to use this SSK image was the cool design of that retro robot.  That henchman might want to tweeze his eyebrows though.


  1. There is something about these two that echoes Batman and Robin as to how well they may work well together and have no romance at all. Great pairing, Ross.

  2. That might not be a henchman, Ross. That might actually be the robot's inventor. That little-known mad scientist; Prof. Unibrower!

  3. I'm just wondering which side the guy with the rifle is on....

  4. Given that he's firing it at the robot, I'd guess he's a G-man* acting like a plain-clothes Steve Trevor.

    *1940's-speak for FBI agent.

  5. i really like this artwork, the 40’s style just feels so right in this cover,
    but Stripsy would be around somewhere to drive them home…

  6. @Simon Sez Something Accidentally Hilarious: "Stripsy"?!

    Is that Stripperella's mother, by any chance ;-)

  7. @Anon536: is that your subtle way of asking Ross to debut Stripperella, here?

  8. @Carycomic: Thank you for calling out eyebrowism. Just because someone has a big, bushy unibrow it doesn't mean they're dumb. Assumptions like that are far too common in today's society. ;) Besides, if he is a henchman, who's henchman is he? The robot's? :)

  9. Why not? Didn't one of the prior versions of the Masters of Evil once work for Ultron (disguised as the Crimson Cowl)?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Superman (upon spotting the robot with his telescopic vision): "Great Scott! It's Gorog from BOWERY BOYS MEET THE MONSTERS!"

  12. #Carycomic@5:54...why not? I'd love to see her as part of a team-up with the Dark Knight a la THE BRAVE & THE BOLD: TAS.

  13. That’s actually Dr. Weerd, an early arch foe of Star-Spangled Kid

  14. Hmmm! That re minds me; how about Dr. Weird (from Big Bang Comics) vs. Dr. Weird (from the 1966 Big Little Book FANTASTIC FOUR: HOUSE OF HORRORS)?
