Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Damned (The Animated Series!)


I thought that it was time that one of STF's earliest teams received their own cartoon show.  I'm guessing that this on might have a hard time getting past the network censors, though!  This is the Third appearance of The Damned on this blog - They were last seen facing Satan's retribution in STF #1890, and first appeared way back in STF #176...


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  3. an interesting group, I wonder who would be there opponents, and how many issues to cover the story- six issues at least…

  4. If Spectre and Dark Phoenix retain full power, they'd have to fight someone like Darkseid or Galactus or the Anti-Monitor every episode, or else there would be no real conflict.

  5. Network TV, probably not, but looking at what Max and Prime Video offer with their animated fare, though...

  6. They'd probably change their team name to "The Dark heroes" or something like that.

  7. @Kid Charlemagne: they're probably trying to save the universe from all-out war between Kang and Darkseid.* If such is the case, then I doubly thank you, Ross, for coming up with this suitably subtle-but-still-sensational halfway point between centennial spectaculars.

    *See STF #4146.

  8. I agree with James. Vampi's trademark attire would definitely NOT have made it past the censors of any major network's programing department! Not before the founding of Cartoon Network, anyway.*

    *I still recall the time I literally fell out of my chair, LAUGHING in disbelief, when the late, great Kevin Conroy (as JLU's Batman) told CCH Pounder (as Amanda Waller): "Mine are bigger than yours."

  9. James is right; this group could definitely get a spot on a streaming service. In fact, if someone in the business wanted to do this series, licensing issues would probably be the main thing keeping it from coming to Prime Video in real life.

    I could definitely envisage some of the voice-acting greats taking on some of these roles: Fred Tascatore as Hellboy, Frank Welker as Fin Fang Foom, Townsend Coleman as Spectre, Grey DeLisle as Dark Phoenix, and Tress MacNeille as Vampirella is the cast that comes right to mind. If the main background is a war between Kang and Darkseid, as Cary suggests, I'd nominate Jim Cummings and Kevin Michael Richardson respectively.

  10. "They escaped from Hell....or are they being given a chance to atone for their sins?"

  11. Good tag line, Rich! :-)

    It immediately made me picture the late, great Don LaFontaine doing the voice-over for an actual TV commercial.

  12. A series of big screen movies like Spidy has had would work wonders. Pieces would be reused and the audience would show a lot of love for these "dark Archie" types. After all, Dark Phoenix would get along great with Vampi and Fing Fang Foom would be so cute as that sensitive one on the team.
    If the JL and X-Men could do it, your team should last as long as Buffy did.

  13. That should have been like the Spidy verse to help get them together....or the House of Marvel Mysteries!!

  14. How about Battle Toads vs. Knuckles the Echidna? The parties of he first part having been brainwashed by Bucky O'Hare's arch-enemy (the ruler of the Toad Empire) to steal the Master Chaos Emerald from the Mobian moon called Floating Island.

    If it helps, the brainwashing could have been done using the hypno-toad from "Futurama!"

  15. Or would you rather save that for STF #4200 (due on or about October 15)?

  16. @Anon@9:42: If not Mr. LaFontaine, then perhaps (the also now-departed) Ted Knight. For someone contemporary, perhaps Michael Douglas or James Earl Jones.

    @Anon@12:56: I've noticed a similarity in animation style between Star Trek: Lower Decks and Futurama -- enough that a cover here would be logical.

  17. Thank you, Bob! Live long and prosper. :-)
