Friday, December 9, 2022

Legion of Super-Pets and The Herculoids


I've always been a fan of The Herculoids, and mostly because of the alien creatures on the team.  I liked that they were not treated as pets, but equal members of the roster.  Alex Toth's amazing designs made them always look cool, despite the limited animation.  My only gripe was Zok the Dragon's loud screech, which was a bit overused and could get a little annoying.


  1. Don't blame Alex Toth for the screeching. That was strictly left up to Don Messick, the voice-over artist who did most of the animal sounds. Personally, though, I found Zok's screeching preferable to the frequently over-used "r" sounds of Scooby Doo's dialogue, three years later!*

    That being said, I'd buy this issue in a pet's heartbeat. Because, if there's anyone else's butt I'd like to see the Herculoids kick, even more than Mordru's, it would be Emperor Palpatine's. :-)

    *"Roo rand re roth, rother!"

  2. Now we know why Krypto teamed up with John Wick in STF #3876. He thought Superman had been abducted by Intergang! But, that was just a red herring to throw Super-dog off the scent. It was actually Mordru who pulled that dirty disappearing trick. And, given the absence of Streaky the Super-cat from this cover, I'd have to guess Supergirl was likewise abducted. Hence, he's probably already on the hunt for Mordru alongside Supergirl's Kree-ified sister!

    What motive could Mordru have for going to such lengths? Who else but two mind-controlled Kryptonians could successfully abduct the leaders of the Herculoids? And he probably needs Zandor, Tara, and Dorno for some even more nefarious purpose. Like, say, stealing some magic-enhancing gem from a monster-guarded temple on a planet with a red sun?

  3. NIce theory, Anon, except for one thing. Streaky is half-hidden at center-right of the picture!

  4. @Carycomic: Ooops! Okay, then. He's likewise looking for Capt. Marvel (who evidently adopted him back in STF #3463).

  5. The (fact-corrected) Anon-driven story works great for me.

    I'd still love to see the LSP teamed up with the Pet Avengers.

    Not to mention our favorite Wookiee paired with his namesake Flerken.

    And in similar vein, have we ever seen Howard the Duck meet Tawky Tawny?

  6. @Bob Greenwade: nope! We've seen him alongside the Werewolf-By-Night, Ace the Bat-hound, and even Hobbs (of "Calvin &..." fame). But, so far, no HTD.

    Maybe they could team-up against some Mr. Mind-controlled mob boss in a story entitled "The Call of Keith Ulu."

  7. I think the error was really different: "And, given the [[absence]] of Streaky the Super-cat [[from]] this cover, I'd have to guess Supergirl was likewise abducted."
    I think should have read: And, given the [[inclusion]] of Streaky the Super-cat [[on]] this cover, I'd have to guess Supergirl was likewise abducted.

    Having seen the recent "Super pets" movie, it was (blush) a horse of a different color. Krypto has been varied in character and personality so much, this was not a favorite to take in. But at least they gave him his determination to help his family.
    Some of the others were ok., if not outright comedy relief.

  8. don't know how well Streaky would work alongside Supergirl's Kree-ified sister!

  9. @Det. Tobor: No, there was no typographical error. I really did (initially) think Streaky was absent because he was already way ahead of the other LSPers! That is; searching for Supergirl alongside Carolyn Danvers. With Krypto following the latter's airborne scent trail (derived from her pet flerkin).

  10. @Tobor: I'd love to see Streaky and Chewie (the Flerken) together here somehow.

  11. Or Chewie the Flerken meeting Chewie the Wookiee.

  12. I was surprised that the legion of super-pets was not used during the Crisis of Infinite Earths. You would think that with their abilities they would have been sought after over the number of people who had no powers.

  13. I loved The Herculoids as a kid. Watching it as an adult, I was astounded at how much of each episode is taken up by the Herculoids various roars and screams alternating with explosions and explosive impacts. Actual words are few. It's glorious.

  14. What Alec said. :-)

  15. @Cary: I've been asking for the Wookiee and the Flerken for a couple of years now.

  16. Did you ever do a Herculoids / Star trek crossover? I once posted a drawing of my own with TAS's kid Spock and his sehlat E'Chiya meeting Dorno and the Herculoids, but would love to see your take on such a crossover.

  17. How about Beppo on the Planet Of The Apes?

  18. That idea could actually work in the real world if you suggest Beppo meeting Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth instead. They're both a product of DC Comics, Kamandi's world is similar (just with more diversity of intelligent animal species) and no copyright issues would be involved.
    An even more interesting character in this regard might be Grodd the Gorilla. He'd likely love to take over the whole place. :-)

  19. Time-Warner already did that as an episode of their animated TB&TB series.

  20. It was called "The Last Bat On Earth" (in case you can't find an episode guide on line).

  21. I actually have watched the series and saw that episode some years ago; but I clean forgot about Grodd being in it. Oops. Well, that might explain where I got the idea from! :-)
    I do remember a later episode where the Joker and other villains wind up blowing up the planet just like in the conclusion of Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
    I should give that series a rewatch, as I liked it very much.
