Saturday, December 10, 2022

Star Wars on The Planet of the Apes


Well, it looks like Princess Leia was concerned about what she discovered on her re-con mission back in STF #3622, and decided to return with reinforcements. Of all the missteps made with the last Star Wars trilogy, perhaps the biggest one was not to have Luke, Han and Leia all together again for at least one scene.  Maybe there will be a way to do that through CGI in the future, but that just wouldn't be the same.


  1. Yeah... it wouldn't be quite the same without Carrie Fisher. Still, a reunion of the Four Greats (Tobor is right; include Chewbacca) would make for a great scene in one of the New Republic series (The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, etc.) would be great fun. I'd be particularly interested to see how Chewie met Maz Kanata ("Where's my boyfriend, hm?")

    Speaking of Maz, it might be interesting to see her dropped into something on this blog. Maybe if there's a team of support specialists in the STFU (Edna Mode, Oracle, Master Splinter, Mei Hatsume (My Hero Academia), et al), Maz could provide the bar as their headquarters.

  2. PS: Aren't we overdue for an Oscar Isaac/Hartley Sawyer photo cover?

  3. Whoa! Use a lightsaber to deflect bullets? I think the slugs would just disintegrate. I know Earth is not part of the Star Wars universe, so I'll say that the rebels ultimately discover the ruins of a lost corrupted Jedi temple. Or maybe the first Sith temple! "Don't look for it, Taylor. You may not like what you find."

  4. To be fair, Ross, no one could've predicted Carrie Fisher's untimely death during the filming of TlJ. But, at least, she and Harrison Ford got to do a reconciliation scene as Han and Leia.

    1. But also to be fair, they killed Han even before Luke came back into the story.

  5. As in, "Help me, Mr. Miracle! You're my only hope."?

  6. @Anon920: but, to be even more fair, they at least allowed Ben Solo to reconcile with both of his parents before becoming one with the Force. Darth Caedus wasn't so lucky. He merely got killed by his twin sister; the now-purely legendary Jaina Solo.
