Monday, July 18, 2022

Vixen Marries Hercules


I've put this couple through enough - for the lucky seventh appearance of the Herc/Vixen romance, I've decided to give them a happy ending and finally have them tie the knot. Wonder Woman marrying Captain America has proved to be one of my most popular covers, so I felt this blog could use another wedding, even if the path there may not have been a completely smooth one for Herc and Mari.  Will it be smooth sailing for the happy couple from here on out?  Only future covers will tell that tale.


  1. Hopefully, the Zeus she meets will NOT be the Russell Crowe version!*

    *What was with that curtsying hop-skip-and-jump-step during the Omnipotent City interrogation of Thor?

  2. Still haven't seen it, I'll wait until it hits Disney+

  3. Will she get an upgrade as a wedding gift by her father-in-law? Like the old fashioned feel to the crowds below.

  4. @Ross: consider yourself fortunate. A lot of my friends give it a "5" at best!

  5. I'd be just as interested in seeing what would happen in a meeting between Zeus and Mari's ancestor/patron, Anansi.

    Speaking of Anansi, and with apologies for reviving a mostly dead horse, I'd still like to see Vixen start a (non-romantic) partnership with that other great character connected to the Spider-God, Spider-Man. It doesn't just make sense in terms of that connection, either; the two are at about the same power level, though in different ways, and I think they'd get along well personality-wise. They could be brought together by Madame Web, and be tasked to deal with threats to Anansi and the Spider-Verse.

  6. Congratulations to the happy, heroic couple! Great cover!

  7. @Bob Greenwade: or, even better, they're tasked with rescuing the Black Panther from the Lion God! Sort of a slight revision of an actual African legend about Anansi and the King of the Leopards.

  8. In honor of the return of the San Diego comic con, how about a 4 part story set there, 4 parts one for each day.

  9. @Anon@12:12: Nice idea! If I were tasked with writing the comic, I'd go research that legend right away.

  10. If it helps, it's traditionally referred to as "How Anansi Replaced The Sky God."

  11. Well, dang it Ross, you didn't tell us where Herc's bachelor party was! Thor must have been there, along with Bacchus, Horus, maybe Vishnu, and Volstagg for sure. Even Loki probably slipped in to make an appearance. Hangover of the gods indeed!

  12. @my namesake: you expect to get _everything_ for sixty lousy cents? Please!


  13. @Anon@2:15: Perhaps with entertainment provided by Aphrodite and Hathor? (Not necessarily them personally.)

  14. @ Bob Greenwade - Bam! Plus, you have to wonder what kind of bachelorette party Vixen had before this. Man, that Anon at 2:15 pm; whatta character he must be! ;)

  15. @Ken: "Bah! Hulk is strongest character there is!"

  16. Suggestion for a sequel: Herc's horses vs. Thor's screaming goats!
