Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Darth Vader Vs. The Hulk


Obi-Wan Kenobi fell into the same pattern that a lot of Disney+ shows seem to - strong first episode, three episodes of filler, an improvement in the fifth episode and then a great finale.  Hopefully future series will work on these common pacing issues.  Still, there was a lot to enjoy.  For me, that was anytime Darth Vader was onscreen.  He had some excellent standout moments, his voice was spot on, and the final Vader/Kenobi confrontation was everything I was hoping for.


  1. I doubt Vader is going to enjoy this confrontation, though. Especially, if Palpatine intends to use David Banner's Hulk state as a permanent host body! That is, if I'm correct in guessing that Vader's apparent orders are to capture the Hulk alive.

    "You may now call me...Darth Credible."

  2. Well, of course the voice was spot-on; it's been the same guy since 1977. (Unless you're talking about the mixed voice when his helmet was damaged; yes, that was pretty spot-on to.)

    However, the bright spot for me on the show was Vivien Lyra Blair, who played young Leia. She really embodied the character as Carrie Fisher had created her. I'm not alone in hoping to see more of her in the role.

    @Cary: I'd think Thaddeus Ross would be a better candidate for the Sith; with a lightsaber matching his skin, he could become Darth Furius.

  3. JEJ doesn't still sound like that in his 90's. They used his voice recording as a template, but the final product is mostly computer generated. The mix voice was indeed awesome.

  4. "Bah! Little Green Long Ears now trained Hulk. Hulk protect Dagobah!
    Plastic-face not pass!"

  5. If you're going to have both Hulk actors listed, it would have been appropriate to list David Prowse as well as JEJ for this cover, especially as the visual Vader (as opposed to the verbal Vader) is displayed here.

  6. Any chance Darth Maul ever shows up here? He's my favorite!

  7. @Bob: I'm sure we are going to see much more of "Disney Princess" Leia, as the House of Mouse specializes in appearance and merchandising opportunities for all of its recognizable characters. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the first to break the Star Wars "no crossovers" rule.

  8. I agree with Jay. I mean, can "Jack of Kingdom Hearts" be far behind?

  9. Futabukun, I actually considered that, then figured in the STF universe, JEJ would pull double duty and provide the physical performance as well.

  10. Ben: He was pretty cool, I should use him some day.

  11. @Anonymous: Hey, you plagiarist! I made that recommendation @ STF #3730.

    If you want to steal something, pilfer some communal cookies from Bob Greenwade.

  12. @Bob Greenwade: Nahhhh! Old Thunderbolt would be more fitting as new head of the Red Lantern Corps. At least, in the (ahem!) Ross-verse.

  13. @Carycomic: actually, I think he already became that back in STF #2394.

  14. *Insert half-serious finger snap of disappointment here.*

  15. Hmmmm. Why waste my energy? Just give him a blood clot. Said he in the dark.

  16. @Det. Tobor: All Vader would have to do is give this Hulk a telekinetic version of the sleeper hold. A comparatively less-fatal version of what he was starting to give that loud-mouthed Imperial admiral (with the disturbing lack of faith) way back in "A New Hope."

  17. @Ken: I don't think Hulk would be a great candidate for Jedi, particularly the nonverbal live-action version shown here.

    @Ben & Ross: I think Maul (as seen in Clone Wars and Rebels) would be a great foil for the Starjammers, Iron Man, the Strange Brothers, or the crew of USS Voyager.

  18. @Bob: that's why Palpatine wants him for the Sith. Perfect cannon fodder! All brawn; almost no brain.

  19. @Anon1211: I keep telling youse that Palpatine wouldn't waste him as cannon fodder! He'd use him as a replacement host-bod!!

  20. @Anon1213: thank you, Slip Mahoney!

  21. @Bob, and Anon 12:11 - Points taken. But the Hulk knows evil when he sees it. Even this old TV Hulk had a noble streak that could not be crushed. And if the Hulk is considered to be that primitive in the Star Wars universe, then he would probably be of no use to the Sith either. My money is still on ol' green skin. Vader could even end up like Loki in the Avengers movie: "Puny Sith."

  22. @Ken: Lol! Good point.

  23. Just one more folks - Star Wars meets the original Lost in Space show.
    Enter - Dr. Zachary Sith!

  24. Cover of the month!

  25. I wonder if the Saticons would be a Dark Side Force cult in the Galaxy Far, Far Away?
