Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Spider-Man and Blue Devil


There's been a lot of talk about Secret Wars being the next huge crossover event that the MCU is building towards.  The Russo Brothers have even indicated interest in directing such an epic.  But which Secret Wars story will be adapted?  The original series that I remember from my youth had The Beyonder summoning a bunch of heroes and villains to Battleworld where they duked it out.  Then there's the newer Secret Wars series that was hitting just when I stopped regularly buying comics, so I don't know too much about it - just that it seemed to involve the multiverse, with lots of different versions of Marvel heroes running around.  That seems in line with what the MCU has been doing lateley, but then again the Russo Brothers seem to lean into the more classic tales from 30 years ago or more, so who knows what's  in store?  Perhaps it will be something with elements of both events.  I'm sure we'll have several more years to speculate.


  1. Maybe they will use part of DC's Convergence as well. Only the winner's planet and timeline will survive as well.

  2. Blue Devil AND Black Costume Spider-Man!!?! Two more of my favorites. And you are probably right, a SECRET WARS a movie would likely be the more recent multiverse sequel. :(

  3. Uh-oh! The last time you had two interdimensional near-omnipotents duking it out, it was Bat-Mite vs. Impossible Man. And that led to the permanent (or, at least, longer-than-short-term) creation of the Rossverse! Will today's cover conflict result in the destruction of that universe? Or merely a change in nomenclature?*

    *Like--Heaven forbid--STRANGE WORLDS' FINEST.

  4. #Shag: The MCU version of "Secret Wars II" will more likely resemble DC's "Mosaic" story arc from the Green Lantern mags of the Eighties.

  5. @Carycomic: Ah, yes! TB&TB (The Lost Issues) #254. A now-cult classic from August 15, 2011. Happy Almost-11th Anniversary, Ross!

  6. It's actually pretty clear that we're headed toward the multiverse-centric Secret Wars. Loki, What If...?, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and (especially) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness have made that pretty clear, and I rather think that Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania will see the start of the "Kang Wars" to play out primarily on Loki (and possibly What If...?).

  7. Either you've misread something or I've missed a piece of news - they're building toward Secret Invasion, not Secret Wars.

  8. Secret Invasion will be a Disney+ Show. Secret Wars would be a separate event.

  9. @Bob & Ross: good to know. Thanks! :-)

  10. @Colin: In addition to what Ross said, the Secret Wars to which I refer was a multiverse-spanning event; that's why I cited the series and movies that I did. It probably will come to a head either around the end of Phase 4 or as the end of Phase 6.

    Secret Invasion is something where Skrulls (in the MCU's case, rogue Skrulls) step in and replace various powerful figures, including some major superheroes, in order to take control of the planet. So far not much has been made of the Skrulls, and it looks like Secret Invasion will be just an element in a larger event rather than a focal event in itself.

  11. I remember Mxy turning up in one story -- his first post-Crisis appearance, IIRC -- looking very similar to how the Beyonder does here & using the alias of "Ben D. Roy".

  12. @Simreeve: *Ben DeRoy...which I just realized is an anagram of "Beyonder"!

  13. BC the Blue Devil FanJuly 22, 2022 at 4:19 PM

    Ross - I'm a happy Patreon supporter of your wonderful blog. How about an Arak Son of Thunder and/or Arion Lord of Atlantis feature?

    Arak is an obvious pair with Thor God of Thunder and Arion could go several directions (Dr Strange, Namor of Atlantis, etc)

  14. What's your name on Patreon? I'd recommend Patrons to make requests through that site, it's easier for me to keep track of them that way. I haven't read much of Arion or any of Arak which is why they have not appeared here, I just don't know much about them. The Arion Atlantis connection has possibilities.

  15. BC the Blue Devil FanJuly 22, 2022 at 5:45 PM

    Ah, okay, I had never thought of that! I usually just view here on your site or through a reader. Anyway, I just posted over at Patreon too.
