Sunday, July 17, 2022

Harley Quinn and Ghost Rider


The Joker: Folie a Deux has been announced as an upcoming sequel to the Joaquin Phoenix film starring the Clown Prince of Crime.  The title refers to two people suffering from mental conditions, and rumors of Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn have made the rounds.  That part has been denied - but not necessarily that Harley won't be in the movie, just that Gaga would not be in the role.  I have my reservations about whether such a perfect first film even needs a sequel, but that one was much better than I had expected it to be, so I will withhold judgment until I learn more or see some footage.


  1. Hmmmm! Could this "innocent puppy" actually be the Son of Deuce the Devil Dog, once owned by Deadpool's frenemy Blind Althea? Sired perhaps through a brief "liaison" with Fera of Kunlun (magically compelled by Master Khan)?

    Or is he simply an evil clone of Deuce created (and terregenically empowered) by Maximus the Mad?

    "The world may never know."

  2. Quinn would do this without any thought. G.R.? Something else would need to be involveded. Good atmosphere tho.

  3. Whatever the story, this cover is absolutely brilliant, Ross. I think it'd be great fun seeing how these two interact. I'm starting to get vibes along the lines of Ambush Bug vs. Cthulhu.

  4. Admit it, you've been wanting to use that title for a very long time. :)

  5. @Det. Tobor: maybe the puppy is the half-mortal offspring of Cerberus (the three-heded watchdog of Hades)!

  6. Oh fercryinoutloud, not ANOTHER "Joker" movie!!!!

  7. @Anon730: I know. The first one was one too many!
