Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sub-Mariner Vs. Green Lantern in: "Vengeance From Below!"


No other artist, except perhaps Sal Buscema, was better at depicting someone delivering or receiving a massive wallop than my personal favorite Marvel cover artist, Gil Kane. I was glad to include an example of both on this blog entry.

Namor and Green Lantern first clashed in STF #1475...


  1. Great cover. But is Hal going to survive that punch? His ring will have to be working overtime.

  2. IIRC, GL's original antagonist was The Shark, and the cover comes from the early '80s.

  3. The only reason I can think of, for Namor to be attacking Coast City, is perhaps an ill-advised attempt to thwart an Atlantean annexation of Sub-Diego. Then, again, some people would say it's ill-advised of the Avenging Son to try and defy the Monroe Doctrine!*

    On a lighter note; how about Spidey vs. Arthur the Moth Man's big blue boss?

    *As I recall, Sub-Diego was on the continental shelf of North America so, technically, still a sovereign part of the United States.

  4. It certainly would take a bit for Namor to make his way to Coast City, since (the last I knew) Coast City is on the US west coast. Then again, so is Sub Diego, and in the actual comics that city was established to house Atlantean refugees.

    @Cary: Namor's beef here is with Coast City specifically; a dispute about the jurisdiction over Sub Diego would be between Atlantis and the United States government. Plus, unless something is different in the comics (or the STFU), international law extends territorial waters to 12 miles beyond the coast, not the edge of the continental shelf -- though Sub Diego probably still falls within that range.

    @General: After noting all of the above about Sub Diego, I'm now visualizing refugee Atlanteans making a lucrative living selling hand-crafted items on eBay, Etsy, and similar outlets. They could also have a pretty good seaweed crop.

  5. Love me some Gil Kane!

  6. Perfect cover! Kane could have actually drawn this.

  7. There's something appropriate about the Submariner being drawn by an artist named "Gil."

  8. Really, really well done, Ross. This is one where you just don't see any seams. It really looks like Gil Kane drew it at exactly the same time. Kudos!

  9. @Carycomic: I take it you mean, Arthur Everest?

  10. @Anonymous: yeah! That would be him.

  11. (Somehow the Comment I wrote yesterday morning didn't post, so I'll try again....)

    It would certainly take something for Namor to make demands of Coast City; the last I recall, that city was on the west coast, far from Atlantis. Even so, Sub Diego (which I had to look up after Cary mentioned it) would be on the west coast as well, and that city was built specifically to house Atlantean refugees.

    (That realization, plus the research needed for the below note to Cary, brought me a fun mental picture of Atlanteans making a brisk living from selling hand-crafted items on eBay and Etsy. I also imagine that the city would have a decent seaweed crop.)

    @Cary: International law extends territorial waters to no more than 12 miles from shore (with a handful of special exceptions), rather than to the edge of the continental shelf, but I'd imagine that Sub Diego is still within that range.

    @Anon@6:59: Good eye!

  12. I love that Namor is fighting a guy from "Coast" City!

  13. @BG: if this world ever develops undersea colonies, some country is liable to test that limitation. Citing the very concept I just hypothesized.

  14. Also, as I stated in the next day's posting, Namor's attack on GL in Coast City would doubtless be to prevent Aquaman's nearest and most powerful ally from aiding him. So, what better way to draw GL out of hiding than to half-seriously attack Coast City as a whole?

  15. That was MY note, you counterfeiter! And that was posted last Wednesday.
