Saturday, January 15, 2022

Doctor Fate Vs. Galactus


I have a strong suspicion that Pierce Brosnan's time as Doctor Fate will be limited to one movie, with him passing the mantle on by the end of Black Adam. Hopefully we will get plenty of him in action in the film, it will be interested to see how his magic spells are presented to set him apart from Doctor Strange or The Scarlet Witch.  I'm looking forward to seeing a full shot of him in helmet and costume soon.


  1. If Galactus swallows Dr. Fate, won't that give him a stomach ankh?

  2. This picture of Galactus makes me think it should've been done with Maxwell Smart: "Missed by that much!"

    @Cary: #BadPunHaveACookieAnyway

  3. Quoth the Roadrunner: "Ankh-ankh!"

  4. Now I remember a John Byrne FF where Doctor Strange was able to put a mystic whammy on Big G, forcing him to face the memory of all the people who perished as a result of his feedings. Maybe Doctor Fate can accomplish a similar maneuver.

  5. Bought that one off the stands, Ken - what an issue!
