Friday, December 3, 2021

Domino and The Black Racer


Domino was a character that was getting popular just as I was getting out of the X-Men titles as they were getting a bit too convoluted for me. I knew that she had good luck abilities similar to Shamrock and Longshot, but not much else. I'm not sure how accurate the depiction in Deadpool 2 was, but I enjoyed Zazie Beetz' performance and her powers were visualized very well - I hope' she'll be back when Deadpool comes to the MCU. 


  1. Horsefeathers and ApplesauceDecember 3, 2021 at 7:52 AM

    Your art is like music to my ears Ross. If Ororo ever becomes a Black Racer would that make her A Dark and Storm-y Knight?

  2. At the rate all these COVID-19 variants are going, we'll probably see Ryan Reynolds in GL TWO prior to DEADPOOL III. But, maybe I'm just being "needlessly" cynical.

    As for today's cover? I never got into Domino, myself. She looked too much like Shriek and too closely shared the name of that Red Skull operative helping all those Scourges hunt down rival super-villains.

    On the other hand, it might be interesting to see Jack Kirby's Black Racer someday pitted against his female namesake from the Serpent Society! So, I thank you for giving me that much inspiration, Ross. :-)

  3. This is a cool cover, Ross, that makes Domino look Atom-sized, or Black Racer look Sentinel-sized. Whichever; it's an effective metaphorical depiction of what she'd be feeling in this situation, just like I suspect the original BR drawing was intended (whomever was in his hand).

    A separate line of thought had me wondering if Howard the Duck had ever teamed up with Detective Chimp, and sure enough, there they are in #522. I really was just wondering if there were any other "talking animals living in a human world" who could join up with them to make a team, but besides the Ninja Turtles (who are referenced in #522 above) the only ones I've been able to come up with are Opus (Bloom County) and Sajin Komamura (Bleach), neither of whom is likely to appear on this blog any time soon.

    H&A: I think that would be if Ororo teamed up with Bruce Wayne (which happened once* back in the B&B days, though not under that title).

    *Not counting team pairings of X-Men with the Outsiders or the Justice League.

  4. @Cary What do Covid variants have to do with Green Lantern 2 or Deadpool 3? Or did a joke just fly completely over my head without my noticing? Honestly wondering.

  5. @Ben W: A new upsurge in production delays. What else?

  6. Ross, would you consider Black Racer encounters Hela?

  7. @Cary But would that somehow affect a Deadpool sequel more so than a Green Lantern sequel?

  8. @Ben: The GL sequel is something that's Never Gonna Happen, and I think Cary was trying to say that the COVID variants are likely going to shut things down and put Deadpool 3 into the same place.

  9. Exactly! Thank you, Mr. Greenwade.
