Saturday, December 4, 2021

Doctor Mid-Nite Vs. Mysterio


The scene in Spider-Man: Far From Home where Spidey is fully immersed in Mysterio's illusions is one of the coolest on screen comic book moments that I have seen.  The constantly changing dream-like environment with giant looming Mysterio tormenting Peter Parker immediately brought me back to so many cool sequences from the villains appearances in the comics.  I haven't heard that the character is among the returning villains for Spider-Man: No Way Home - but I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised. 


  1. It's true! Dr Mid-Nite wouldn't give a "hoot" about Mysterio's tricks. Nor would the rest of the 'Blind Justice' team. Nicely done.

  2. What Det. Tobor said. :-)

    Of course, the first time I ever heard of Mysterio was on the Krantz-animated cartoon series of Spider-man back in 1967! That's the one where Mysterio tried to pull a "Scooby Doo" (two years before that dog's debut) by using holograms of the Flying Dutchman to scare the local townsfolk away from his smuggling operation.

    It wasn't till the second season that they adapted the two-part comic book clash where Mysterio made Spidey think he'd been shrunken down to the size of a table top scale-model amusement park.

  3. Canonically, has Daredevil ever faced off against Mysterio? If memory serves,* the comic-book version doesn't rely on holograms as much as the cinematic version, but also uses physical props and other more practical special effects. I'm inclined to agree with Tobor's assessment, but only an actual test could tell us for sure.

    And I'm pretty sure that Mysterio's presence in Spider-Man: No Way Home will be limited to name-drops, or archival footage at most. The film's already well enough populated with Peter, Ned, MJ, May, Happy, Dr. Strange, Wong (who may be just a single cameo), Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman, and the Lizard, to say nothing of the strongly-rumored possibility of two additional Spider-Men (and if that develops, hopefully a cameo from Nicholas Hammond).

    *OK, you can stop laughing now....

  4. I thought the only time Daredevil faced Mysterio, in the main mag, was that story arc where Mysterio (because he thought he was dying) attempted to drive DD crazy with some kind of End Days scam.*

    *His public outing as Matt Murdock not yet having been ret-conned away, at that time.

  5. Daredevil faced Mysterio during Daredevil #1-#8 of its relaunch under the Marvel Knights banner.

  6. And Mysterio probably got the snot beat out of him. ;-D

  7. @Bob Greenwade. This was the story line that ended in Mysterio killing himself.

  8. OK, but did Mysterio's tricks work against Daredevil, or was Matt immune? That's the question here.

  9. To my knowledge, Daredevil deduced it was Mysterio who was behind the seemingly supernatural occurrences; with the latter confessing not only how he had done it, but why!

    Deducing that Spidey had been replaced by a clone (without knowing that the replacement was only temporary), Mysterio became fixated on driving Daredevil mad since he refused to waste his talents on psychologically destroying a "mere copy."

    But, the elaborate ploy failed and Mysterion committed suicide (ironically copycatting Kraven the Hunter).

    That whole story arc, btw, was called "Guardian Devil."

  10. P.S.---Merry Xmas to whichever wise men decided Sony/Columbia and Marvel/Disney should collaborate on SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. Because, while it might not be a perfect ten, it definitely deserves no lower than a seven at worst!
