Monday, August 16, 2021

Wolverine and Black Lightning


the Black Lightning show on the CW my be over, but hopefully we haven't seen the last of Cress Williams in the role. I remember in the comics that Jefferson Pierce lived in Metropolis for a while. So maybe he can look in on the city while Superman and Lois are taking care of business in Smallville on their show, that might be a fun crossover.


  1. How do you destroy something made to withstand almost anything? If they had nanites in the sixties, a self repairing Sentinel could have been a whole different kind of nightmare. They ever go against magic based person?
    Fun cover. Saw Black Lightning at the beginning. Laughed when I saw the tailor Gambeni from the early Flash comics now as a good guy. Somebody did lots if research.

    1. Actually. the Gambi in Black Lightning was the twin brother of the Gambi in Flash comics...

  2. Is this from the Marvel Comics adaptation of the sequel, X-MEN 3? Because, I could swear that was an illustrative version of the Danger Room Sentinel hologram from that film.

  3. Great cover-sim, Ross. A suitably ominous silhouette! :-)

  4. Thanks!

    Anon - no, it's from a poster by Salvador LaRocca

  5. Actually, I think the setup in the Arrowverse has been for Metropolis to be guarded by Green Lantern; I think we'll probably find out when Supergirl returns, or by the end of Superman & Lois's season. And while Cress may or may not suit up again as Black Lightning, I think we can feel pretty sure that Thunder, Lightning, and Wylde will be around for the next full-cast crossover.

  6. I legit thought that was the Iron Giant for a brief moment... but now I want to see IG vs Sentinels or maybe even Master Mold!

  7. @Ross (from Anon750): Thanks! That's nice to know. :-)

  8. I hope Jackman returns as Wolverine for Secret Wars. It would be great to see him, the original Avengers, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, etc teamed up even if some are multiverse variants. If he is conscious about his age he can keep his shirt on or maybe get a padded/sculpted Wolverine costume.

  9. @Kramden: If the producers can get Chris Evans to come back as both Steve Rogers and Johnny Storm, that could make for a fun scene like in the Arrowverse COIE where Ray Palmer met the alt-universe Superman.

    Of course, that's actually about as likely as getting Warwick Davis to play Galactus.

  10. @Bob Greenwade: Why not? Wasn't it Warwick Davis who served as the body double for 4-F Steve Rogers in "Captain America: The First Avenger?"

  11. No, Steve wasn't that little. That body double was Leander Denny (who also appears in the film as a bartender).

    Of course, neither of the scenarios I mention are impossible by any stretch. They're just highly unlikely.

  12. tin foiled HorsefeathersAugust 17, 2021 at 5:42 PM

    Ah bend the rules. Let the sentin-el go after Galactus. That's self confidence.

  13. If it were Buddy, trying to fill Galactus with Christmas spirit, he'd be exhibiting "elf-confidence."

  14. Hyram H. Horsefeathers calling.August 18, 2021 at 9:26 AM

    Hey A, like it. Before Christmas Atom, Ant-man and Wasp help with the Crisis of the missing Elf-confidence. While that's playing out Deadman and Dr Strange try to fill Galactus with the Spirit of Christmas. (or Scrooge him.)

  15. If one were to go with a "Christmas Carol" kind of story, one could have the Spectre in the Marley role calling upon Kid Eternity, the Tangent Universe's Green Lantern, and Booster Gold for Past, Present, and Yet To Come. Their target could be, say, Doctor Doom.

  16. Oh, I get it! Because they both wore green hoods, they would've been Yule-phobic business partners.

  17. I was just figuring that Spectre would be the logical person to have in charge of the proceedings because of his position, but the green hood thing does give a bit of synchronicity.

  18. Btw: I just noticed. Under dim real-time lighting? Wolverine's screen capture looks more like T'Challa with overgrown finger nails!

  19. @Cary: the capital "x" belt buckle should be a dead give-away.

  20. Not in the aforementioned dim lighting, though.
