Sunday, August 22, 2021

Wildcat and Iron Fist


They may have different fighting styles, but both of these guys have a real respect for training and keeping their skills sharp. I imagine that they would get along pretty well and it wouldn't be hard to think of a story where their paths would cross.


  1. This is one of your better pairings. Danny could also sponsor a string of gyms for Ted helping people (Until they were abused by those who wanted to close Ted down and split up the partnership).

  2. I think remember the inspiration for part of this cover. The story arc where Master Khan mystically brainwashed Joy Meachum into being the post-Jake Fury Scorpio. Right?

  3. Clearly the Chinese zodiac, in this case... I've long wished to pen a story (for either a comic or a game) where two gangs go to war, one based on the Chinese zodiac, and the other on the Greek. And when that creates a power vacuum, well, those two aren't the only zodiacs in the world....

  4. @Bob: don't submit it cold to Marvel. They're more likely to officially reject the story...and then "coincidentally" publish a nearly identical version.

    That happened to me with a story idea I submitted to DC.

  5. Possible follow-up: Shang chi, 'Master of Kung Fu', and Richard Dragon 'Kung-Fu Fighter'.

  6. love this cover!!!! wildcat looks really "bad ass"

  7. @Anon@9:28: That particular story would be much too big to submit cold to anyone. The above is as far as I've gotten on it, and if one of the Big Two (or even someone in manga) were to see that idea and run with it, I wouldn't care.

  8. Beautiful cover, it is the type you make into a poster.

  9. I agree with Me.

    [Wait! What...?]

  10. The ultimate boxer, the ultimate martial artist. Great cover!

  11. How about Batman '66 vs. Shang-Chi?
