Monday, March 29, 2021

Spider-Man and The Secret Society of Super-Villains


This is a story I could see working.   Spider-Man has often been unjustly tagged as a criminal, and it would be cool to see him use that status to go undercover in the underworld - sort of a reverse Thunderbolts set up.  I'm sure there's some real life comic book equivalent of this plot, but I can't recall one right now.


  1. I mean a real life equivalent of Spidey doing it.

  2. The Creeper--another Ditko character--joined the SSOSV under similar circumstances.

  3. Identity Crisis?
    Spidey posed as a criminal for hire 'Ricochet' and a mercenary 'Dusk' as well as heroes Prodigy and Hornet.

  4. TJW's comment made me wonder if a Spider-Man/Creeper team-up (all-Ditko, natch) would work along these lines.

    But it's an interesting concept that one of the Big Two should consider: a team of heroes who have been unjustly tagged as villains.

  5. #Bob Greenwade - Well, there's always the X-Men...

    #Ross - real life? This is COMICS, buddy! :)

    The Green Hornet, Batman, the Creeper, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Zorro, the Shadow, the Spirit - a lot of pulp and older comic heroes have been thought of as villains at the start.

    And the Legion of Super-Heroes actually WERE outlawed at one point (by Universo.)

    It's not easy being a hero some days. ;)

  6. "Okay, you can join us. But you'll need a green or black color scheme for your outfit."

  7. And what vile task would Spidey have to perform to prove his loyalty?

  8. kill aunt may maybe???? "nuff said"....or the funky

  9. Any pre-Crisis issue of Suicide Squad, or early-post Crisis issue of Justice League Task Force, would probably have a tale similar to this premise.

  10. The Original Doctor Light VS Obsidian (DC), Cloak (Marvel), and The Darkness (Top Cow) In "Fear of The Dark" - IroN MaideN.

  11. @Brother K: Well, Arthur's already fought The Light Brigade, so why not Dark Matter?

  12. Have 1990's Bane with Judge Dredd over his knee and Call It "...Breaking The Law Breaking The Law Breaking The Law..." - Judas Priest.

  13. @Brother K: I was just saying that your title would be fitting for a Dark Matter vs. Doctor Light battle.

    And since you mentioned Judge Dredd, I had a mental image the other day of Dredd trying to arrest Hellboy, only to be interrupted by the Men in Black. ("Visas and Immigration, Division Six." "We'll take it from here.")

  14. And... this makes a good counter point to the Crimson Avenger "Let me join your team" cover.

  15. @Bob Greenwade MID in Mega City 1, now that's an ongoing series I'd purchase regularly. Bravo Zulu. :)
