Sunday, March 28, 2021

Crimson Avenger and The Avengers


Thanks to comics' historian and Patron of this blog Marc Tyler Nobleman for suggesting this team up!

It's always a treat to feature the amazing artwork of Mike Allred.  Several years back, I was lucky enough to pick up some unused Allred artwork for a Justice League Monopoly game - for some reason they switched artists for the final product:


  1. O_O
    I have the Justice League Monopoly!!! I'm wondering why Superman is on the currency - but not J'onn?!?!

  2. Lol! For a second, I thought that Gotham Globe headline was in Transylvanian.

    Seriously, though: let me be among the first to likewise thank Marc Tyler for making this suggestion. Such a brilliant sense of synchronicity irrefutably proves him to be a...noble man.


  3. Allred didn't use the Flash? Really? Ah well..get me Tic Toc Tyler for the win.

  4. Next, could we see the Toxic Avenger joining the Avengers?

    Some of these Allred originals look like they could be used on this blog, Ross, particularly J'Onn and Supes. (J'Onn looks like he's trying to decide something like whether to let The Tick join the JLA!)

  5. If they were in color, maybe!

  6. Aw, Ross, you've demonstrated that you're actually pretty talented at coloring. You've rebalanced and altered color; go ahead and try your hand at taking it from the line drawing.

    To make it completely your own coloring job, you can have J'Onn evaluating Captain Klutz! (There are plenty of line drawings of him around.)

  7. New team idea... Crimson Avenger, Toxic Avenger, Duck Avenger and Birdman's trusty pet Avenger.

  8. @BigMike: That's not new. I've been trying to get Ross to do that for a couple of years. (Also Captain Avenger.)

  9. There was also a 1955 superhero named the Avenger that ran for 4 issues... and the lead character of DC's 1975 "Justice Inc." (which also ran 4 issues, and was based on a pulp magazine series) was also called the Avenger.

  10. Whatever happened to the Crimson Avenger? is one of the best superhero stories I have ever read.

  11. Nice one Ross! The stories of an outsider running the gauntlet to join a big league super-team are always great. Those Mike Allred originals are wicked. I haven't done it in awhile, but coloring original bw line art can turn into a chore. Even when the scans are clean and sharp, I'm always fighting anti-aliasing issues. Tweaking art that's already colored is more fun.

  12. I've tried coloring B&W once or twice (Calvin & Hobbes Covers), but I've never been crazy with the results.

  13. @The Man in Black. Crimson Avenger was diagnosed with an incurable disease in DC Comics Presents #38. He went one one last mission to stop hijackers, who had stolen a boat, from blowing up a city and releasing chemicals in the atmosphere. He sacrificed himself by piloting the boat away from the city. A new Crimson Avenger was introduced in the JSA book but to my knowledge nothing is known about her or if there is a connection to the original Crimson Avenger.

  14. @Scott: I think you misunderstood. The Man in Black wasn't asking what happened to the Crimson Avenger. He was saying that "Whatever Happened to the Crimson Avenger?" (the story you recapped) is one of the best superhero stories he ever read.

  15. To all the color addicts who've been pestering Ross: just pretend Mr. Allred's b/w/ artwork samples are from an STF version of a coloring book. The kind that are now regarded as pop-culture collectors' items.

  16. How about a pulp fiction cover ( akin the masks comic) where crimson avenger meets shadow, question, spider, spirit, rorshach etc... call it the fedora force or something :)
