Sunday, February 7, 2021

Adam Strange Vs. The Red Skull


Has anyone checked out the new Strange Adventures series by Tom King?  I was wondering if I should pick it up once collected, but King is a very hit or miss writer with me. I quite liked his Mister Miracle work, and have heard nothing but good stuff about his Vision mini series, but I was actively turned off from what I have seen of his writing for Heroes in Crisis and Batman.  Still, I like Adam Strange and Mr. Terrific, so I'd be interested to know if this current series does them justice.


  1. You have no idea how much this cover means to me at this time. THANK YOU for something so pleasurable.

    I've been reading the story as it shifs back and forth in time. HATED the first cover and it's variant. 'Hero' to 'I Kill'. Mrs Strange is not anything like who we remember. Not a fan of it so far.

  2. Great... I remember the Mystery in Space issue the Adam Strange image comes from - and it's Strange to see it paired with the totally unfamiliar Red Skull one. Strange but very enjoyable. Nice job!

  3. Strange as it might sound, the pairing on this cover-sim works for me.

    Nice going, Ross! :-)

  4. Not-so-Strange, to me. The Red Skull probably obtained the Rann-tech from Per Degaton, who probably stole it from Detective Chimp while the latter was returning Indiana Jones to the 1940's following their mutual jaunt on the Planet of the Apes!

  5. P.S. @ Bob Greenwade: see STF #'s 2065 & 3198, respectively.

  6. I am enjoying the new Strange Adventures. I completely agree with you re: Tom King's Batmand And Heroes in Crisis. I prefer him on a non-continuity title.

    His take on Adam Strange is reconstructive. I guess it may not be for people who love the old school stories, but I like it.

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  7. DaveJonz: The Red Skull image is from one of my favorite issues of Marvel's "Super-Villain Team-Up" where the Red Skull challenges Dr. Doom in outer space.

  8. I was going to suggest this pairing! I think the color schemes of the two characters complement each other nicely. Also, they both have a science fiction side to them, and Adam Strange's straight-arrow personality is a good counterpoint to the Red Skull's over-the-top villainy.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @Bob: I anticipated you might ask me which back issues I was referring to.

    But, I guess I guessed wrong. :-(

  11. No harm/no foul, Anon. I proved wrong about why Wildcat and the Golden Age Human Torch were taking on half a regiment of Nazi soldiers in STF #2063!

  12. @Cary: you weren't entirely wrong. STF #2864 proved you half-right!

  13. @Anon: Well, Indy's visit was fairly recent, and Detective Chimp is my second-favorite POTA cover to date. But I'd prefer links (if you don't mind learning the HTML for it) over issue numbers.

  14. I absolutely loved King's Mister Miracle, but I also wasn't a fan of Heroes in Crisis. I've been collecting Strange Adventures im single issues and it's fine, but nowhere near as good as Mister Miracle, to me. I understand the point he's trying to make, but I found that Miracle had a lot more fun and enjoyable moments even though clearly Scott Free had issues he was working through. King's Adam Strange has issues and while it's interesting to explore those, the fun and enjoyable moments that break up the analysis are missing.

  15. Sorry, Bob. That's one of the many things my used laptop cannot ever do!

  16. It doesn't matter what your computer is; if you can type text, you can type out the HTML code, just as I do (and, I presume, as Ross does), even if you're logging in on a TRS-80.

    To make an HTML tag, see that text just below the Comments box. The "b" will make text boldface, and the "i" tag makes italics. With an "a" tag you can make a link; just add a space, "href=", and the URL before the ">". To close the tag (mark the end of the altered text), just use the same tag with a slash just before the letter.

  17. Sorry, Bob! Still not proving possible.

  18. @Carycomic: is your laptop a Dell or an HP?

  19. Ah! Well, that explains it, then. Dells (especially the Inspiron series) are notoriously incapable of HTML.

  20. make an HTML tag, see that text just below the Comments box. The "b" will make text boldface, and the "i" tag makes italics. With an "a" tag you can make a link; just add a space, "href=", and the URL before the ">". To close the tag (mark the end of the altered text), just use the same tag with a slash just before the letter.

    {(.... bold type ....)} bold type 2

  21. "HTML cannot be accepted."

    Nuff said.

  22. That space sled reminds me of : What If WW II was fought in Outer Space (My Favorite What If Story By the Way!). Side quest: Who Is Emily The Strange's Father in the Super Team FamilyVerse?
