Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Han Solo and Guardian / Chewbacca and Sasquatch


Like many, I was getting a little Star Wars fatigue after the last few movies did not hit the mark.  Fortunately, The Mandalorian gets so much right about the property that it has brought me on board again.  I hope that Disney pays close attention to the positive reaction that the second season has received and uses what has been learned for the (many!) newly announced Star Wars related projects in development.  Hopefully the quality can be maintained.


  1. A few covers back we had Indiana, now we get Harrison Solo. Maybe it's time to team them together again? (I know you put them together at least once.) And isn't it time you put the Ford Twins together with Blade Runner Rick Deckard?
    Also, how about Han going back in time to meet his ancestor, Napoleon? (And maybe another twin panel cover, Chewie and Ilya.)

    1. @Davejonz : The Solos became a duo here:

  2. Horsefeathers standing by Chewie's familyJanuary 20, 2021 at 7:41 AM

    My Favorite Star Wars will forever be their Holiday Special.
    The cast! The script!! The songs! and The Story!! sigh.

  3. Comment Deleted could Not haveJanuary 20, 2021 at 8:20 AM

    This just in: CBS will have QUEEN L. as Robyn McCall for the new Equaliser series.
    The times just keep folding back on themselves. Female Hans soon to come? Only the Yoda knows!

  4. I had only two complaints with any of the feature-length trilogies. The first was the needless revision to the original trilogy back in 1997.* And the second was with the too-similar-to-the-Battle-of-Hoth-to-avoid-being-boring climax of Episode 8!

    *I unapologetically still prefer the forward-racing explosion of Death Star 1. George Lucas fixed what wasn't even broken!

  5. Of the coming projects, I do have high hopes for at least Ahsoka and The Bad Batch. The former I expect to be as much Samurai story as The Mandalorian is a Western, and Rosario Dawson nails the character.* As for TBB, the closest thing to an animated "miss" in the franchise has been Resistance, and I think Dave Filoni's learned from the mistakes made there. Between him and Dee Bradley Baker as the title characters, it should come out well.

    As for the other shows, there are too many unknown factors, though I'd be surprised if they were anything but loads of fun.

    @Cary: There are numerous complaints about The Last Jedi, among them the weakening of Fin's story arc. That and most other problems can be fixed though, with a little help from Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, and other highly creative individuals.

    I'm with you on the "needless revision," though. I'd rather have seen Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker's "force ghost" than Hayden Christiansen. (On the other hand, this means we can have Hayden in that role should he be needed for Ahsoka.)

    *I'd rather her montrals and lekku (horns and head-tails) were closer to the size they were in the animated form. I kind of understand the decision to make them smaller; while Shaak Ti (in Attack of the Clones) had good-sized ones, Orli Shoshan did remark that they were heavy and made moving more difficult. Still, it's mostly a quibble, and it's not Rosario's doing in any event.

  6. @Bob, thanks.
    Ross, that was an incredibly fast response to my suggestion. You must have a connection to the speed force. Or maybe you borrowed Rip Hunter's time machine?

  7. At Bob: well, at least Episode 9 put everything back on its proper track.

  8. Ross, you need a time ship. Sometimes it's not the covers you do but the ones you unknowingly set up. Picture Han in the MF and suddenly in the Haunted Tank. "What the? Where am I? And WHY?" "That's what I want to know too!" said Jeb. "Are you part of the Force?", Han responds with.

  9. @Cary: On track, yes. If we learn in Episode X, or any other official source, that Finn has come on as a Padawan (whether Rey's, as the Holiday Special implies, or some other survivor's), then he'll be able to get where he was supposed to go.

    @Tobor: "No, we're in the Army!" [Cue rimshot.] I'd love to see that exact pairing. Ross, consider it a request!

  10. Seriously, though: I love the Chewbacca and Sasquatch team-up. Especially as I just got through watching my 2nd favorite Willis O'Brien movie. "Mighty Joe Young!"

    Apparently, it was the tail end of TCM's day-long celebration of movies with the word "Joe" in their titles. I can't help wondering why they chose that particular theme, however.


  11. @Anonymous808: "If you gots to ask the question, you ain't ever gonna know the answer." Louis Armstrong

  12. @Det. Tobor: maybe Han could accidentally get there as a result of trying to help Jonah Hex get back home.

  13. @Anonymous815: using yet another abandoned version of Doc Doom's time platform? How many of those things did Big Vic build?

  14. @ Anonymous 8:08-. I can't help wondering why they chose that particular theme? -- 'Joe' was a very common used name for a long time. Working Joes, everyday Joes, down on their luck joes and so on.

    A thought - When Han pops into the Haunted Tank, suppose he sees the General's ghost...that way he has a reason to believe The Force is involved. And the General is surprised he can be seen.

  15. @det_Tobor: I hope that was tongue in cheek.

  16. @Daviticus said...@det_Tobor: I hope that was tongue in cheek.

    Not at all, Daviticus. If this is what you were referring to.
    Average Joe - Wikipedia
    The terms average Joe, ordinary Joe, Joe Sixpack, Joe Lunchbucket, Joe Snuffy, Joe Schmo (for males) and ordinary Jane, average Jane, and plain Jane (for females), are used primarily in North America to refer to a completely average person, typically an average American.

  17. A POTUS named Joe is hardly average. ;-)

  18. @Anon@7:40: Still, calling him "Joe" does add to his "regular guy" cred, as also happened with Jimmy, Bill, and Dubya.

  19. Jimmy and Bill in the band are worth more than Dubya in the bush.

  20. PS: Here's a thought: Solo, Jones, and Deckard aboard Air Force One!

  21. Ah, yes! The President Ford we _should_ have had!
