Thursday, January 21, 2021

Man-Thing Vs. The Atom


For such an inhuman looking character, Man-Thing certainly inspired a lot of artists.  Looking over the comics that the muck monster has appeared in, I am impressed by how many striking covers and splash pages there are.  Maybe it's the swamp setting or the horror element to the character that got their creative juices flowing.  Whatever the reason, this ugly mug has been a part of a lot of beautiful artwork.


  1. Horsefeathers sliding everywhereJanuary 21, 2021 at 6:45 AM

    Ok Atom. it's time to climb that hill and see what makes the grass so crabby.

  2. My favorite image of the Man-Thing! Love it! And it looks like the Atom has a giant-sized Man-Thing problem.

  3. @JLBriggs: Holy Double Entendre, Batman!

  4. The wisdom of double-checking: I'd been about to suggest that Man-Thing meet Solomon Grundy, but found that he already did, back in #1006 (more than five years ago!). And, of course, his teaming with Swamp Thing was so natural that you did it in Issue #6! But what if you took all three of those characters, plus Bushroot (Darkwing Duck's plant-based foe), and made a team of characters made up of plant material? (You could also include Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan from Farscape, and I don't know who else.)

    As for today's cover, it's quite well done overall, but I especially appreciate the story title.

  5. I second Bob Greenwade's motion. With the added request that the Elder of the (Marvel) Universe known as The Gardener be their debut antagonist.

  6. Comment Deleted could NOT haveJanuary 22, 2021 at 4:18 AM

    Wouldn't that be Guy Gardener vs Man Thing?

  7. Comment Deleted Could Not HaveJanuary 22, 2021 at 7:12 AM

    Try Blue Beetle with Swamp Thing. You can have a Kord of Silence (Sallis)

  8. @Delete Ed: Nah! Guy's a GL. So, no chance of him getting burned by Man-Thing's touch.*

    *More's the pity! :-(

  9. Well, most fellas I know do tend to love their Man-Thing.

    Fun story; great cover.

  10. Let's keep this PG, CD. ;-)

  11. Fishing in the TimestreamJanuary 23, 2021 at 4:06 PM

    Power Girl and Man Thing! A match made on the Orient Express!

  12. If _she_ wound up burning at Ted Sallis' touch, he'd wind up on the compost heap. Guaranteed!

  13. In which case, she and Cage would toast marsh mallows over the more flammable bits.

  14. All I can think is: What a missed Opportunity ending SWORD OF THE ATOM was. Some Wounds Run Very Deep.

  15. Sad, but true. :-(

  16. @Anon & Brother: it was really just a reboot of all the Hulk and Jarella stories, really.
