Monday, January 18, 2021

Dr. Doom Vs. The Teen Titans

Rumors are again resurfacing that Doctor Doom will be introduced to the MCU in the next Black Panther movie.  I can see there being perhaps some international intrigue between Wakanda and Lateveria, which could be interesting - but what then of the rumors that Atlantis and Prince Namor would be involved in the movie?  Is there a chance we will see a three-way conflict? It would be like an issue of Super-Villain Team-Up come to life!


  1. Ok, Roy. One EMP arrow to go. You sure Oliver thinks it's really going to be helpful?
    Hey, Ollie said to get the best so I cane to you. Thanks Tinkerer.

  2. But why, why is Doc D so mad at the Titans?
    Hmm. Is it because the Doomster carefully filled out an application form to join, only to get a standard letter of rejection from the Teens informing him that he was unfortunately over the age limit?
    This could be a series - Doom paying off rejection by one super team after another.

  3. Horsefeathers by the nite liteJanuary 18, 2021 at 8:30 AM

    Before he went big he went nuts. To the Victor go the spoils! Alas no one else agreed with that. But then he got an idea and joined Dr Light for lunch. Together they formed Megalomaniacs Are Us! and have been the life of all the parties since.
    The End

  4. You took the words right out of my mouth, Ross. :-)

    As for today's cover? I can't imagine what would bring the Silver Age Teen Titans to Latveria. Some sort of Cold War-era intrigue involving neighboring Markovia, perhaps?

  5. Horsefeathers with a gingerbread cookieJanuary 18, 2021 at 8:39 AM

    What's that you ask? Why Arthur? Vic wasn't very hungry but even he knew the impotence of having a Light lunch to keep your energy up.

  6. If both Namor and Doom are in Black Panther II, I suspect that one of the two (probably Doom) will be merely a cameo, or at most a complication to the other's main plot.

    As for this cover, as much as I like it, I think we're overdue for a meet-up of Dr. Doom with his namesake Titan, Cyborg. "To the Victor Go the Spoils!"

    BTW, it just occurred to me that we've never seen Rick Jones teamed with Snapper Carr. They are (or were) two characters who, despite numerous differences and distinctions, had an awful lot in common; and so far on this blog, Rick has only appeared as a "civilian mascot" to the Avengers, which was basically Snapper's whole point. So, why not have something like, "The Avengers and the Justice League are down for the count... now it's up to us to save the day!"

    @Dave: I could see Doom reaching his ignition point after being turned down by the Inferior Five.

  7. Horsefeathers of the recordsJanuary 18, 2021 at 10:10 AM

    @BG + DJ, Problem was NO ONE wanted DOOM from with-in in their ranks! Now if he had changed his name to Dr Bright or Dr Brilliant THEN he might have been asked to join.

    Remember Dr. was not a robot. He just looked like one on tv.

  8. @Bob - a big thumbs up for Snapper plus Rick. And an even bigger one for Doom v the Inferior Five

  9. @Davejonz: or, failing that, Indiana Jones teams up with Zorro and Lash Larue in... "THE WHIP MAN SAMPLER!"

  10. @Dave: I can see it now, with Victor looking at the I5 rejection letter in outrage: "And there are only four signatures here! Either there's an opening in their quintet, or some of them didn't even have the decency to... oh, wait. The missing name is White Feather. All right, now it makes sense."

  11. Here's a thought, given their green theme costumes, how about pairing Doom with The Spectre?

  12. Here's another thought. Just like the Teen Titans were to sidekicks of established superheroes, there should be a team of comic/adult sidekicks, Uncle Dudley, Woozy Winks, Doiby Dickles, maybe even creatures like Itty. And Earth-STF seems like the most likely place for that team.

  13. @Anon: and Ross could call them...The X-Partners!

  14. Btw: has Dr. Doom ever taken on Judge Dredd?

  15. ready titans????.....together!!!! or we are doomed!!!

  16. @Beta Joe: Beast Boy could always turn into a clone of Mole Man's trap door monster (from FF v.1/#1) and bring Big Vic down to Earth that way.
