Sunday, January 17, 2021

Galactus Vs. The Justice League of America in: "DOA Via JLA!"


The JLA previously faced of against Galactus in STF #117 and later in STF #2750, and I thought they should have a rematch, this time giving the Leaguers the upper hand. The diminutive World Devourer here is from the classic three-part Fantastic Four saga by John Byrne in which he is finally defeated, only to have Reed Richards realize he must be saved for the balance of power in the universe.  I remember riding my bike miles to the store just to get those issues off the racks, I was absolutely floored by them.  I'm glad to be able to do my riff on an iconic image from that epic tale.


  1. WOW. Sorry Ross, but you're anniversary issue just got displaced that fast. This cover is RIGHT on so many levels. Just wish Diana & Martian Manhunter could have been on board for the event. Using Ray's Atomic Shrink Ray on the big eater did wonders.

    Did Wonder Woman & Black Canary share time in the League?

    1. det_Tobor: After WW rejoined the JLA in #128 (1976), she and Canary were both members, for the next eight years.

  2. A Lilliputian gem. Galactus clearly a bit tied up right now.

  3. @det_Tobor: Galactus DOES look smaller THAN his USUAL size!

  4. You've been on a roll the last few days! Can't believe you topped yesterday but you did.

  5. You're on a bit of a roll lately, Ross, in finding pictures with matching angles. This one's not quite perfectly matched (the JLA look like a lower perspective than Big G) but I still find it impressive.

    I rather suspect that this story would play out much like the Fantastic Four tale you cite. I also have no doubt that the cables the JLAers are tying Galactus down with are made from some Nth metal alloy that Batman and Hawkman worked together to create.

    Next time we see Galactus, though, I'd like to see him justify the League's decision by going to Skaro.

  6. Horsefeathers at the time screenJanuary 17, 2021 at 9:49 AM

    Ross you asked a question. You set up a dare. Now the question is home to roost.
    (Normal) Galactus vs (from SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 2016:) The Totalitarians!
    It's gonna be more than just bragging rights this time!!!!

  7. Ross - I also remember reading those stories (took me a while to get # 244) and then there was the sequel in 262 with the Trial of Reed Richards. When Marvel announces Byrne doing "The Last Galactus Story" in Epic Illustrated, i was drooling, and then they never published the end when the series was cancelled...

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  8. Not sure you know what "diminutive" means, but great cover!

  9. Sorry, but though the thought behind it is fine, this seems to me to be one of your weaker efforts in some time. The pieces seem flat and the perspectives inconsistent. I'm left unconvinced.

  10. @JB: Yeah, right. And DT ain't a lame duck on his last legs.

  11. The leaguer who is missing from this cover is the Atom who went inside and messed up Galactus allowing rest of league to tie him down.
