Friday, January 29, 2021

Deadman and Iron Fist


The extra high collar is an interesting fashion choice.  Doctor Strange has one, but that's understandable, as it is part of his magical cloak.  Then you have characters like Deadman, Iron Fist and Karate Kid who do not wear capes but still have the high collars.  Sure, it's unpractical for combatants to wear something that blocks their peripheral vision, but who cares when they look so cool?


  1. Fantastic concept for the story. Very well done Ross. This would sell out without a doubt.

    For a future pairing: Iron Fist and the Vision. Tag - Fashionably separated by birth.

  2. Ha! HA! Almost like wearing a helmet or a cowl with a fin - Adam strange, Ted Knight...

    Great cover!
    I love Deadman. Iron Fist is pretty okay, too!
    I've often wondered why Deadman was never part of Batman's Outsiders... aside from obviously being dead, of course...

  3. And for a villain for the two, how about Mirror Master? Seen but not touched.

    Different question about Deadman. When he had to travel great distances fast, did he get some kind of wormhole or did he have to fly the whole way? Could he travel thru the Earth for shortcuts? As a ghost, did he need light to see?

  4. First, high heels. Now, high collars. That could be the basis for your next sequel, Ross. Iron Fist, Karate Kid, Catwoman, and the Blonde Phantom in...

    "High Fashion Crimes & Misdemeanors!"

  5. In Deadman's case, that super-high collar sort of makes sense, since Boston Brand's costume was supposed to be stylized -- not that it makes much more sense for a circus acrobat to have a collar that blocks peripheral vision either. But for Iron Fist, Karate Kid, and others with that feature, yeah, I definitely agree. A follow-up to Issue #103 would certainly have underscored your point there.

    @Tobor: Since Iron Fist and the Vision are both Marvel characters, don't look for Ross to do that team-up. Marvel could do it themselves. If Iron Fist ever returns to the MCU, in fact, someone might make that very remark.

    @Cary: I think that title (or at least the general principle) might be better done with a team with the likes of the Sixth Doctor, Captain Ultra, the Golden Age Atom, Sabine Wren, etc. That's a team that I'd really like to see here -- though a real-world comic with such a group would likely give the colorist a nervous breakdown!

  6. Maybe we could get a team of disco collar wearing crimefighters. Nightwing originally had one too in teen titans.

  7. But it makes those collared heroes extremely vulnerable to "rin around the collar."

  8. @Alec: not so long as the rin(g) is incomplete. Thereby allowin(g) them to slip through the (g)ap.

    @Ross: am I imagining things? Or is Kingpin wearing Sargon the Sorceror's old Ruby of Life?

  9. If the Collar Commandoes don't include Red Tornado and the old school Martian Manhunter, then there's no justice in the world at all

  10. @det_Tobor.

    You're not REALLY worried about the physics of a ghost who knows a being made of plants, a guy who change into any element and reshape his body into actual functional machinery, a guy who can shrink smaller than any subatomic particle but still react to photons and breathe oxygen and a woman who can generate enough sonic energy to blow down a wall without shattering her own cheekbones, are you?

  11. @Bob G, true, but I suggested they team up after Mirror Master @8:07.

    @ Darryn R - Considering how often someone wants to make things more 'real' for a story, I do like to know some of the ground rules for a character (before they get forgotten or ignored again).

  12. @Darryn R, to give you a chuckle, here's my post from #2904. It's regarding the physics for a rifle that could detect Deadman & possibly shoot him.

    Detective Tobor said...
    Consider an alien rifle made with Nth metal. It could detect energy at a distance and give a representation of what it sees on the sight screen. Considering how many aliens have been made of energy, this would be a necessity. Is shoot a bullet or a stream that disrupts the energy at its source.

    Ross, I think you may have just created a subplot of weapons that could hurt most of the heroes, alive or dead (if they are still active). Dr Strange in astral form, Deadman, maybe even The Spectre and who knows what others. What a continuing subplot!

    March 26, 2020 at 8:31 AM

  13. Has Deadman ever gone up against the original Ghostbusters?*

    *Spencer, Tracy, & Kong (Bob Burns, Larry Storch, and Forrest Tucker, respectively).

  14. @Cary: he's never even gone up against the better ones! Venkman, Zedimore, Spengler, and Stantz!
