Thursday, January 28, 2021

Gamora and Dart


Comics that were basically video game or toy tie-ins never really appealed to me, with a few exceptions and Atari Force was one of them.  I can't say I remember too much about the series, what really made an impression on me was the incredible art work of Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.  It is too bad that the series has never been collected to my knowledge, maybe that's a rights issue.  Some of the characters, especially Dart, had a ton of potential.


  1. For your consideration, a Justice League Unlimited of the Universe with an 'Amazon' branch.

  2. Dart,Blackjack,Tempest,Egg and Packrat(I think that was his name)were well written and drawn characters. DC could have named this book anything and the quality would stand on it's own.

  3. Maybe if Disney included them in WRECK-IT RALPH 3, or TRON: THE 2ND SEQUEL, Atari Force might enjoy a resurgence in popularity.

  4. Atari Force is somewhat outside my experience base. Maybe you could feature them in #3300 or #3400, with each member of the group having a solo adventure with one of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

    This cover's a rare thing for you Ross: the art styles are very mismatched. Usually you only do that when one or more of the people on the cover is a comical character, or highly stylized in some other way (as with the Superman/Hellboy cover of a few weeks back). That's the only downside on this cover, though; these two women look like someone's about to experience some serious trouble.

    Say, if you teamed up Gamora with Xena, then you'd have a tale of sworded women! #BadPunNoCookie

  5. @Bob: "Two different swords. They come with two different swords!"

    With apologies to the late, great Don Rondo.

  6. Ross, have you ever had a all female warriors team? Like someone gathered different female fighters for a colosseum-like battle, only they free themselves and become their own team while trying to get everyone home. Dart and Gamora would easily fit into that. So would Xena, Black Widow, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Huntress, Trinity, Buffy, River Song, Arya Stark, Zoe Washburne, River Tam, Hitgirl, Samantha Carter, Alice (Resident Evil, Leeloo, Ellen Ripley, Mulan, Selene, Starbuck, Katniss Everdeen, Sarah Conner, and so on. Anyway, you get the idea. Lots of potential,,, and now I think you have probably already done it. Maybe even several times.
    But for my mental health, have you made something like this? I don't mean this massive a cover (though that would be cool.) I was just wondering, and if you could tell me where, that would be great. Thanks.

  7. I've had a few all female teams: Black Beauties, Code Red, The Secret Sisterhood and The Coven

  8. I think Anon was specifically asking about "warrior women" rather than just all-girl teams. That said, Gamora and Xena could be joined by Mulan, Arya Stark, and Wonder Woman to form a team of "sworded women"!

  9. @Ross: I second Bob's motion...with one addition. Have these women fighting over The Atom (Ray Palmer) for some reason. That way, you could entitle it... "A Sworded Affair!"

  10. Shazam #14 has an reference to Atari Force. Billy mentions that he helped the Atari Force overthrown the Game Master.

  11. Dart should next team up with a certain ex-farm boy from Tattooine.

    "Use Atari Force, Luke!"
