Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Galactus Vs. Dawnstar and Ultra Boy

 If there's one member of the huge Legion of Super-Heroes roster that I think is suited for their own solo series, it has to be Ultra Boy.  I have just always loved the fact that he has a large and varied power set, but can only use one super ability at a time.  His Legion Flight ring allows him to cheat a bit and use two powers at once, technically.  Still, it's a unique set up that no other hero has and I'd love to see it explored further.

Galactus Previously faced off against the entire Legion of Super-Heroes in STF #1487 and then again in STF #1985...


  1. Also, he has a very interesting backstory as a recovered bad boy.

  2. At least, he did up to Bendis’ reboot where that story has changed a lot.

  3. Interesting 3-way composition, Ross. Where is the ripped long hair Ultra Boy from? And you found one of the more slut-mode depictions of Dawnstar's attire.

  4. Ultra Boy is from An LSH Cover by Francis Manapul

  5. There have been a few heroes who, like Ultra Boy, can only use one power at a time... Halo, Animal Man (well, technically he can use more than one power, but he only has the abilities.of animals that are nearby), Valiant's H.A.R.D. Corps. Metamorpho, too, if you think about it (as iron he's strong, as sodium he's explosive, as nitrogen he's invisible, etc.). It's a concept I really like, too.

  6. Horsefeathers a go goNovember 10, 2020 at 1:13 PM

    If Ultra Boy is in a room filled with poison gas AND has walls closing together at the same time along with flame throwers going at him, what's he do then?
    Hold his breath while he uses his strength to break the walls but gets heated?

    Galactus - the guy who ALWAYS needs an industrial size breath mint.

  7. I've never been crazy about Ultra Boy. I think Phantom Girl was too good for him... I think the best legionnaire to have a solo series would be Timber Wolf. Jo wasn't always a bad boy, Brin was.

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  8. Actually, Jo Nah, you probably can't help it.

  9. @Anonymous 2:28 - I remember Timber Wolf had a solo series about 1992.

    @Horsefeathers - if he just uses his invulnerability that would offset the poison gas and the flame throwers. The crushing walls would crush around him and bury him under the walls but he would still not be harmed by them (I think). Just has to get himself out from under them.

  10. I want to see Zantanna pull something from Galactus' hat.

    1. I didn't even know that I wanted this, but now I am having trouble living without it!

  11. @Daily One: Maybe Zatanna could pull Bullwinkle out of a hat!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What Galactus doesn't know is that Jo has already called the rest of the Legion, and so Jo only needs to keep the big G busy for a while.

  14. So, Ross: you finally made good on your "threat." ;-)

    Frankly, though, I think Ultra Boy would need some back up. Duplicate Boy of Llorn, at least.

  15. I never "got" Duplicate Boy. They say he can duplicate any super-power. But does he need to see someone use the power first? Been near someone who has the power? Just heard about someone who has the power? Or can he do anything, but just doesn't have the imagination to make up new powers of his own?

  16. Ultra Boy is my absolute favorite Legionnaire. And, I love Dawnstar, too. Thank you for this.

  17. @Bob Buethe: I think he has to be in close proximity to them, briefly. But, that doesn't necessarily mean he'd be subject to duplicate limitations. For example; he was never depicted as vulnerable to kryptonite after duplicating the powers of Silver Age Superboy!

    So, he might be able to use Jo Nah's ultra-powers simultaneously.
