Monday, October 19, 2020

Wonder Woman and Photon


Wonder Woman 1984 is currently slated to open on Christmas, but it has been re-scheduled and delayed so many times that I will believe it when I see it at this point.  Black Widow has already peen pushed deep into 2021 while The Batman now will not open until mid-2022!  Maybe there is a silver lining to all of these delays, though.  Even a huge fan like me was feeling a little superhero fatigue with so many movies coming out.   Avengers: Endgame was spectacular, but also felt like a finishing point in some ways and a good place to take a break before dining into the next multi-picture epic.  A year without new content may be just what comic book fims need to cleanse the palate maintain interest in the genre..


  1. warmed over HorsefeathersOctober 19, 2020 at 7:27 AM

    Lights, camera, Action! Wondy in 1984 will still be 'Dragon' behind the B vs S fiasco. At this rate Cheetah could be Turtle-Woman vs the Flash (movie). Nice to see Diana can still team with the former Captain Marvel.

  2. Good point, Ross. Hopefully, the wait will just whet our appetite. Meanwhile, there are some superhero shows on the smaller screen that are filling the gap. Watchmen, The Boys, Umbrella Academy, Titans, Doom Patrol.
    Still, today's cover has made me eager to see Gal Gadot (perfect in the role) back soon.

  3. Happy Monday morning to all of you. Having lost Diana Rigg in September, it's nice to see Ms Prince in action again. The irony is if there are no major movie chains left to open in cause of the virus. Home feeds will not be the same.

  4. It's appropriate to have Photon on this cover as you discuss these delays, as WandaVision has also fallen victim to that and is also apparently the next thing up from Marvel Studios.

    On the topic of Photon, I'd love to see her in a simple pairing with fellow Light Brigade member Doctor Light, as well as further adventures of the full group.

    @Tobor: Dame Diana Rigg didn't play Wonder Woman; that was Lynda Carter, who (as far as I know) is still with us. Diana was best known for playing Emma Peel on TV's The Avengers.

    Also, while Regal is has again shut down until further notice, AMC Theaters are still open.

  5. Hmmmm! I wonder if that could be the Red Dragon of Wales. Mind-controlled, perhaps, by a certain worm from Venus based on mistaken identity?*

    *Hint! Photon used to call herself this...the same as Billy Batson.

  6. @Bob G: Ah, but it was Dame Rigg's Mrs. Peel popularity that caused WW to lose her powers and run around in a white jumpsuit with I Ching in the swinging '60s.

  7. @det, @Bob is correct. Diana Rigg never played Wonder Woman (Mrs Peel yes, and Mrs James Bond too). Still, what a different kind of STF cover that would make. The youthful Ms Rigg as Wonder Woman! Ross, can you bring your super powers to realise it?

  8. @Jay, thanks. And Ms Prince looked a whole lot the former Avenger from the other side of the pond while she did it.
    Diana also did an anthology in the 1970s. One comedy episode was titled WONDERful Woman, the Superwoman from Krypton.

  9. @Davejonz, try STF #2553 from April 10, 2019 for the pair together.

  10. @Det. Tobor from 11:49AM: By way of Earth Three?

  11. @Anonymous 5:11pm
    available on dvd for Diana's fans. Diana Rigg at the BBC

    Three Piece Suite (1977– )
    After You've Gone/Little Things... Parking/Wonderful Woman
    30min | Comedy | Episode aired 15 March 1977
    playing a Superwoman from Krypton.

  12. Oooooooooooh! So, not THAT Superwoman!

  13. @det_Tobor: did she ever do a duet with Tommy James and the Shondells called "Dragon Around?"
