Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wildcat and White Tiger

The latest episode of Stargirl featured Pat Dugan accepting the legacy members of the JSA that Courtney is assembling, but realizing that they are going to need training.  It would appear that Pat himself will be doing the training, but I am still holding out hope that Ted Grant will make an appearance to lend a hand.  I think he was among the defeated JSA members from the first episode - but he's got nine lives, right?


  1. Ross, Ted might have used up all 9 or at least 8 of his lives. That would be the reason his enchanted costume was collected and moth balled.
    My anger is leveled at CW for the asinine thinking of letting a bunch of untrained 'Robins' even near the costumes and out in the field. It's not the training that's the real issue. It's the fact that the I.S.A. killed the very experienced and trained Justice Society, even with their abilities.
    Stargirl is chock full of self confidence? Great. That'll make a wonderful headstone.
    (Ironically, that actress reminds me of the original Black Canary with some of the head shots they've done.)

  2. Like this. Although I have no real comics experience of Wildcat I've developed a real fondness for him as Coach Wildcat through your covers. Bravo! More Wildie please!

  3. The only one who might know, whether or not you're right, is Shirley McLaine of the Clan McLaine.

    "There can be more than one!"

  4. In the opening moments of the first episode, Wildcat was the first to die. I don't think he's coming back, especially since it seems that, in this version of things, the equipment is choosing the successors at least as much as the reverse.

    Which has me thinking: The general theory I've heard about the next Green Lantern has been Alan Scott's daughter, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden (aka Jade), though her brother Todd Rice (aka Obsidian) and Hal Jordan have also been mentioned. However, last week, the Green Lantern's lantern started to spark up when Pat entered Courtney's room, that being how he found out about her taking the stuff. It makes me wonder if Pat might not take up the ring in some future season (though the lantern's reaction might also suggest that Jenny lives next door).

    We're also apparently going to be getting Brainwave Jr., and one of Johnny Thunder's successors (most likely Jakeem Williams). That's just the threads hanging out front; others (such as Hector Hall as the new Doctor Fate) will probably be showing up for Season 2.

  5. Didn't Courtney's brother mention a friend named Jakeem in the "Wildcat" episode?

  6. Heh! For a second, I thought: "What did these guys ever do to Sivana? Did Talky Tawny help the Big Red Cheese so often that he's become a genocidal ailurophobe?"

  7. P.S.---how about the Spectre vs. Judge Dredd (for #3001)?

  8. I always liked the male version of white tiger (though the young girl version is cool too). Love this cover!!

  9. Great cover! And I agree, loved the male White Tiger a lot...

  10. ... And here we go again! ...

    The All-New WildC.A.T.s:
    Wildcat ... Black Panther ... Bronze Tiger ... Tigra ... White Tiger (any)... Hellcat ...and Black Cat (Linda Turner) ...

    ... vs. ...

    The Cat Burglars:
    Sabretooth ... Catwoman ... Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) ... Catman ... Tigress ...and Cheetah.

  11. Two separate covers above, of course!

  12. @Anon1125: I take it you meant Sivana as the "...genocidal ailurophobe." Not Capt. Shazam?

  13. Cool one Ross. That's got me thinking....... maybe both White Tigers can take on Bronze Tiger and Wildcat in a sequel cover!

  14. @Other Bob: He might have, and it went right past me at the time. Either way, that pink pen is still on Courtney's desk for a reason.

  15. Out of context: I tried to add a comment on cover #2956 (Bouncing Boy and Flatman ) from May 17, 2020, and it appears to be disabled. This is normal?

    The comment was "Hey, @Ross ... How about Bouncing Boy vs. the mutant Blob next time?" (no links added)

  16. Blogger B Paganini said. sometimes Ross has a safety guard on because some people try to dump junk or a sales pitch or a commercial of some kind here. Giv it a day for Ross to see new additions in past covers so he can ok them.

  17. Anony Mouse is correct - lots of spam lately.

  18. Then, why not grill it with some "Cheese" (from Greed Magazine) and have a spamburger?

  19. @Anonymous: If I only had a lucky quarter for every time I heard that one.


  20. Horsefeathers made of plantsJune 27, 2020 at 10:46 AM

    Isn't that the new "Impossible Burger" just made of plants? That would be worth a quarter.

  21. Or, as its known in the UK, a "quarter-quidder."

  22. it's only worth 3 pense.June 27, 2020 at 11:01 PM

    a "quarter-quidder."? That's utterly ridiculous.

  23. Just ask Steve Gerber!
