Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Man-Wolf and Jimmy Olsen

Man-Wolf was a great example of the crazy anything goes attitude that Marvel had in the 70's.  John Jameson went from being the son of a Spider-Man supporting character, to becoming a horror character, and then transformed into a cosmic hero, complete with a detailed George Perez outfit!  I guess sometimes you have to keep throwing a character at different walls and seeing when they stick!

Jimmy crossed paths with another Marvel Wolf in STF #769...


  1. One of the fun trade paperbacks I picked up was The Strange Transformations of Jimmy Olsen. Always made me wonder why they never did a story with him getting an "H" Dial. That might have been fun to see...

  2. Yes, back in the day, Jimmy O spent more time in some weird other form than as just plain Jimmy. Lots of potential for STF covers there.
    I like this one. Not up on Man-Wolf but it sounds like the start of a great adventure.

  3. Hmmm. Potential team notion. (My secret is revealed - I just love your teams!). Here we have Man-Wolf. 2 covers back we had Man-Bat. I know there's a Man-Thing. So, guys, any more Man-somethings to add to the mix?
    And what about a team name? The Man Men?
    Another recruit...Man from Atlantis?

  4. sometimes you have to keep throwing a character at different walls and seeing when they stick!
    Isn't that the working definition of Jimmy Olsen? From copy boy to male counterpart of Lois for getting in big trouble, to Lucy's hopeful lover, to Mr Action.
    (I wonder how different it would have been if he was a friend to Powergirl early on?)

    @Davejonz, with that group? Didn't they already have Two and a half Men?

  5. I would say this looks more like a job for...Giant Turtle Man!

  6. Yeah, Jimmy certainly held the record for Most Superpowered Transformations until Legion and Crazy Jane came along (and I still say that those two need a team-up here). A multi-part tale here exploring the most significant would be fun, Ross, if you think you could pull it off.

    @Dave: There's a variant Peter Parker called Man-Spider. I don't recall whether he's a clone or an alt-universe version (I think the former), but he's an extension of Pete's six-armed period, with the head and six arms looking more spider-like than human. Use him instead of Man-Thing, and you have the start of a Man-Beasts team for your group. I have no idea who to use to round the group out, though, and Ross generally prefers to include at least one non-Marvel/DC figure in a group.

    But at least Man-Wolf and Man-Bat have met, back in #440. That's a start.

    @Ross: After hearing a lot of buzz about the anime My Hero Academia, I decided to take the plunge and start watching it on Hulu. If you have the opportunity, I do recommend it; it's quite good, and there are many opportunities for fun team-ups there -- starting with the Sailor Guardians (of Sailor Moon) graduating into the academy. Other possibilities that come right to mind are All-Might and Samaritan, Mt. Lady and Elasti-Girl (of the Doom Patrol), Froppy and Squirrel Girl, and Tsukuyomi and Raven -- and there are many others as well.

  7. @Carycomic: or TMNT.

  8. @Anon@9:52: Not "or." "And." ("And" is better!)

  9. First, AirDave, awesome idea, and I hope someone at DC Comics is reading and goes with the idea.
    And, second, I was wondering, does anyone think that Marvel would consider doing a ‘Werewolf by Night’ movie?
    And, third, I always wondered why Jimmy Olsen didn’t spend more time as Elastic Lad. He knew a lot of super heroes, so why not? I would have thought he would have wanted to try and join the Justice League and hang out with Superman more since he was known as Superman’s pal.
    And, fourth, Carycomic, … Giant Turtle Man! Bwa-ha-ha-ha! That one always made me laugh.
    And, fifth, Davejonz, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, who also have the Invisible Man with them. Luke Cage used to go by Power Man. Iron Man. Wonder Man. Iceman, Dragonman, Superman. Batman, Aquaman, Elongated Man, Hawkman I & II, Sandman (DC & Marvel), Starman, Hourman, Robotman I & II, Plastic Man, Amazing-Man, Absorbing Man, Animal Man, Molecule Man, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Deadman, Tattooed-Man, Signal Man, Multiple Man, Shaggy Man, Toy Man, Turtle Man, Floronic Man, Cat-Man, Owl-Man, Machine Man, Action Man, Purple Man, Marvelman, Rockman, Greenman, Stilt-Man, Hydro-Man, Earth-Man,
    Cartoon called He-Man.
    There was a movie called Puma-Man. And Demolition Man. And Meteor Man. And a TV movie called Darkman. And I-Man (by Scott Bakula). Also The Wolf-Man.
    Sorry everyone. I had an energy drink this morning and now must go clean the van.

    1. Sorry @anon, but I was thinking Man-somthing, not something-Man.

    2. for the record....
      The Man Group cosists of...
      ManBearPig, from South Park...
      Man-Thing (both regular and GIANT-SIZEd)...
      Man-Frog, two issues from an off brand company...
      Man-eating Cow from The Tick comic and cartoon...
      Man-Wolf,later known as Stargod the Man-Wolf...
      Man-Hawk, the enemy of Hawkman that was a man sized hawk wearing a mask of a human face...
      ManSpider with six arms and multiple eyes in a shredded Spiderman uniform....
      Man-Bat, the transformed Dr. Langstrom....
      Man-Ape, from the Black Panther comics and film...
      and i am sure that would fill your cover should you do one, Ross....

  10. @Dave & Bob: the only Man-Spider I ever heard of was Webster Weaver (of Marvel Earth-7840).

  11. Horsefeathers on a moon lit niteJune 24, 2020 at 3:24 PM

    Is Jimmy the boy who cried "Wolf, Wolf".?

    @Carycomic: TMNT & Giant Turtle Man on father's Day : "Papa"??

  12. @Horsefeathers: Or, better yet; Spider-Ham and TMNT team up to find out who turned the boys' beloved jonin into a dead ringer for Mickey Mouse!

    That way, Ross could entitle it..."Splinter? In A Pig's Eye!"

  13. @Anon@2:08: That may well be who I was thinking of. (It's been too long....)

  14. Get one autographed by Shaquille O'Neal and it'd be a "Steel."


  15. just in --- Lucifer yr 5 starts on or around Aug 20 AND Yr 6 is a GO!
    Probably because of HBO MAX, NETFLIX KNOWS how hot a property they have in Lucifer.
    It is a shame Ross can't be there to get them to have the Weeping Angels from Dr Who to be a guest in Lucifer.

  16. Didn't Hermione from the "Harry Potter" flicks go up against them, once? Not sure of the original British title. But, I think the American print of the film was called "Stone Angels."

  17. @Anonymous: If you're referring to THE STONE ANGEL, that was a Canadian period drama. And it wasn't Emma Watson playing the lead character as a young woman. It was Christine Horne!

  18. The Stone Angels? It's not a movie. It's not a book. It's GHOSTBUSTERS!!

    According to Tobin's Spirit Guide
    Category: Class 6 Pyrokinetic Animation Event
    Abilities: Accursed Beam, Stoneskin
    Tobin's Summary:
    More powerful spectral manifestations have the ability to levitate objects, and to imbue them with a temporary sense of life. This is usually done to effigies and statues with discernible body parts, but more exotic variants have occurred based on the proclivities of the animator. These creatures are usually easy to disrupt and are only a serious threat in large quantities.

    Egon's Notes:
    As with other paranormal forms that mimic living counterparts, the animated angel statues flap useless stone wings. Psychokinetic energy is enough to keep them aloft and they could probably exert the ectoplasm and energy toward more useful and efficient goals.

    The Weeping Angels of Dr Who are aliens that are a little different. They 'kill' you by displacing you in time. After they send you back in time, they harvest your life energy as you live out your life trapped in the past. Basically, they let you 'live to death' in the far past.

  19. Maybe they were the ones flying those nine saucer-shaped craft first spotted by Kenneth Arnold (near Mount Rainier, Washington) seventy-three years ago, yesterday.

  20. Lol! There's always been something Freudian-sounding about a comic called "Giant-Sized Man-Thing."

  21. "Giant Turtle Man! Giant Turtle Man!
    Does whatever giant turtles can.
    If, by Electro, he's attacked,
    Succumb, he will, to shellshock.
    Hey, there! That's all for...
    Giant Turtle MAAAAAAAAAN!"
