Friday, June 26, 2020

Uncle Scrooge & Super Goof Vs. Thanos

I guess that with all of these characters under the Disney umbrella, this combination could actually happen someday.  The House of Mouse has kept its various properties apart thus far, but who knows what the future holds?  They are on the verge of diving head first into the possibilities of the multiverse after all.  How long before characters from Disney proper, Marvel, Star Wars, The Muppets and more get thrown together in one big adventure?


  1. Wow!
    I could actually see this happen!

  2. Some years back, Marvel did a mini series of Mices on Infinite Earths for Mighty Mouse. They even had Supermouse as a guest. Between the Muppets and Star Wars and Rodger Rabbit, their history vaults may have cross overs that may not be seen again, except for your covers. (Aren't all these Disney owned?)

    I'm curious about something else - does Disney consider any of their properties to be their "major star"? I know Mickey is their first, but with Marvel making BILLION dollar box office movies, do they look at their things in "star power" order?

  3. I know you said they are Ross, but I was thinking about them satirizing their own properties.

  4. another very cool and dramatic cover here, Ross... yes indeed top notch....
    ...however i would have replaced Scrooge with Darkwing Duck for more of a World's Finest vibe...
    consider doing cover with Super Goof and Darkwing, if you haven't already done one....

  5. the above "unknown" was of "jack-el"....
    i don't know why it wouldn't sign me out as it usually do....

  6. Comment Deleted could not haveJune 26, 2020 at 7:06 AM

    different thought was inspired: in place of Scrooge have a super married couple. Then you could dub it: Wed, Fright & Blew. ;)

  7. Jedi Master Logan: "I'm the best there is at what the Force helps me do."

  8. Seriously, though: is Thanos after Scrooge McDuck's lucky quarter? Does he actually think that's more powerful at wish-fulfillment than the Cosmic Cube?

  9. "How long before characters from Disney proper, Marvel, Star Wars, The Muppets and more get thrown together in one big adventure?"

    Never, I hope. I'm as big a fan of crossovers as anybody... but that would just be nuts.

  10. It'll be a long time before Disney would be willing to even consider something like this, unfortunately. I do think that it'd be great fun to see Marvel do series similar to the "DC Meets" ones with Loony Tunes and Hanna Barbera, but Disney has said quite strictly that their properties will always be kept separate.

    That's too bad, as there are all manner of possibilities: Howard the Duck meets Donald & family; Mulan visits the "1602" continuity; Medusa meets Rapunzel; Queen Elsa alongside the Fantastic Four (including the Human Torch); Puck and the Seven Dwarves; Gizmoduck and Iron Man; and so much more. And that's just considering the classic and Princess characters.

    The most we're likely to get for the next two or three decades, though, is the Muppets parodying Marvel and Star Wars tales. (I certainly could see Miss Piggy taking up the character of Black Widow!)

  11. Disney wants to keep their properties separate - well, if they insist. But I'd still like to see the big Disney Afternoon crossover.

    At one point, Disney Afternoon was a syndicated presentation of four shows; Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers, and Talespin (sic?). The concepts in those four shows almost begged for a crossover, and even with a common element (Launchpad McQuack) between Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck.

    They never took advantage of this (what a shame), but I guess a cover might make up for it. Just the thought of Shere Khan and Nega Duck meeting up is an exciting idea...

  12. Maybe the biggest crossover ever is closer than we think :D

  13. @Dimitris: you mean, Thanos vs. Pureheart The Powerful? :-)

  14. I dunno. You got Galaxy's Edge (Star Wars) and GotG and Captain Marvel in California Adventure at Disneyland already. I can see a promo / propaganda special airing on ABC when the place finally reopens, where a storyline has the heroes saving Tinkerbell or somesuch while visiting all the lands, and a Free Comic Book Day issue adapting it.

    I mean, the Mouse is the best there is at making money.

  15. Jay's right. Disney already has intellectual property crossover with the "Kingdom Hearts" video game franchise. Plus, they already depicted their newest properties (Disney and Lucasfilm) intermingling with the slightly older ones in WRECK-IT RALPH 2: Ralph Wrecks the Internet!

  16. @Anonymous: I believe you meant "...Marvel and Lucasfilm..."

  17. @Cary: Uhmmm! Yeah, I did.

  18. @Carycomic: It's a lucky DIME; BTW, the thing Scrooge is holding contains what looks more like the Cosmic Cube than a coin.

  19. Speaking of crossovers, what if back in 1999, when Warner Bros. Animation and Hanna-Barbera were back then already under the same corporate umbrella, Bugs Bunny might have a little wooly mammoth that is able to produce cold from its trunk (as a core part of one of Bedrock's refrigerators) to thank for getting the Kids' WB a good deal on acquiring the Pokemon anime to show?; just like dragons were used in Bedrock as fire-making "gadgets".

  20. Id love to see the Scarlet Witch vs. Magica deSpell.

  21. Carycomic said...
    "Seriously, though: is Thanos after Scrooge McDuck's lucky quarter? Does he actually think that's more powerful at wish-fulfillment than the Cosmic Cube?"

    Lucky Quarter? I remember Majica DeSpell trying to steel his lucky dime.

  22. It's definitely his Number One Dime, not a quarter.

    I'm also firmly in the crossover camp, as my patronage of this site is an obvious indicator. Even if the Mainstream Marvel heroes never get Disney-fied I feel a Crisis Level crossover between Spider-Ham's Larval Earth and the DuckTales-verse would be amazing.

  23. Dime; quarter! What's the diff?

    And, please, don't tell me 15 cents.

  24. @Carycomic: Dang! There goes my only joy in life.

  25. @Anonymous114: More than anything else, it looks like the Mundane Egg that Tim Hunter once owned in the original "Books of Magic" series from DC.

  26. @Carycomic: Yes, 15 cents! Don't tell me you've never nitpicked!

    Also, Anon1225, I believe it's simply called "Ralph Breaks The Internet".

  27. @Daviticus: "I never nitpicked."


  28. I was using the (most likely) title from the eventual director's cut. ;-)

  29. P.S.@Carycomic: I'll agree with you on this much. That does, indeed, look like Hunter's Mundane Egg from the original "Books of Magic."

  30. @Carycomic: Remind me never to hire you as an accountant. ;-)

  31. Wasn't it NYY legend Yogi Berra who said, "I may not always be right. But, I'm never wrong."

  32. @cary: if so, he was quoting Samuel Goldwyn (of MGM fame).

  33. Ok ... Uncle Scrooge has a big problem getting the Cosmic Cube. Because if there's someone who would really go after your Number One Dime, it would be none other than ... Two-Face.

  34. @BP: He'd no doubt use the Cube to turn it into a two-headed lucky quarter.*

    *Like Billy Ocean, I just can't let that go. ;-)

  35. Cover of the month!
