Friday, September 13, 2019

Jack of Hearts and Mister Miracle

It's going to be interesting to see how The New Gods and Eternals come to life on the big screen.  Both properties are chock full of Jack Kirby designs, in the costumes and architecture of the worlds they present.  Thor: Ragnarok showed that Kirby's designs can be used effectively and I would like to see them even more prominently displayed in these upcoming films.  Eternals seems to be rolling along nicely, lets hope we hear about some New Gods Casting soon.


  1. I hope they're both good, too. But,truthfully, I'd be more interested in a Jack of Hearts feature. He would have to keep his costume.

  2. Frankly, Ross, I think we viewers stand a better chance of seeing Sam Wilson cast as Red Raven on a Marvel TV series. :-(

  3. Let's not be prematurely negative, Anon. Ill-advised as tweaking the backstory of the Cylons might have been, the fact that BSG: The Reboot ran for five seasons shows that the "ancient astronaut" angle still holds a lot of popularity with sci-fi fans.

    So, if Marvel-Disney is smart, they'll remain faithful to that part of Jack Kirby's original vision for the Eternals!

  4. Do the speedsters of New Genesis tap into the speed force like the Flash does? For that matter, if Superman is running or flying at super speed, is he tapping the speed force too? If not, why not?

  5. I think Black Racer has the 4th World monopoly on speed force exploitation. As for Superman? His brand of super-speed is more like the result of combining his super-strength with his flying ability.
