Thursday, September 12, 2019

Green Goblin Vs. Man-Bat In "Termination at 20,000 Feet!"

There were some rumblings that Norman Osborne would be introduced into the MCU, and that he would begin putting together his team of Dark Avengers.  With the breakdown of talks between Sony and Disney leading to the departure of Spider-Man and his related characters, that will clearly no longer be the case,  Marvel can still do a similar story line with Baron Zemo and The Thunderbolts though (which I'd prefer anyway). There's also always a chance that the two studios will iron out a deal and work together again.

These two first squared off in STF #2297...


  1. I'm just waiting for someone to come along and explain away this whole Disney/Marvel-Sony rivalry as being all made up by "The Fans" like that imaginary DC-Marvel rivalry. ;)

  2. I hope they introduce Man-Bat somewhere in the DC Television universe, maybe in Batwoman. I think he would make a great addition.

  3. The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Mayhem ;)

  4. The only thing I ever disliked about the debut of the Jackal, as a comic book Spidey-foe, was that he resembled a lycanthropic Green Goblin! So, the real (Silver Age) GG, taking some of the Langstrom Formula? God forbid!!

    He'd resemble a Martian Man-Bat!!!

  5. The rumor I've heard is that, with Osborne out of the running, the main overarching villain ("Big Bad") for the Earth-bound portion of the MCU will be Doctor Doom. That, for me, is more exciting anyway, but it's a silver lining to the very dark cloud of Spider-Man being taken away.

    Here's hoping Disney and Sony can iron things out reasonably soon, and that Sony doesn't wreck things by drawing the next Spider-Man film too far from the MCU.

  6. You mean, like the way they prevented (or, at least, needlessly delayed) any chance of a live-action Man-Wolf by killing off John Jameson in VENOM 2018?

    If so, I agree. That would be a further bummer!
