Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Firestorm and The Thing in: "Throwdown on Three-Mile Island!"

Ben Grimm for me has always been the heart and soul of the Marvel Universe, so I am thrilled that he will finally be part of the MCU.  There's so much I want to see from him once the character is established.  In addition to his adventures with the Fantastic Four, I'd love an adaptation of Marvel Two-In-One Annual #7 (my favorite Ben Grimm story ever).  A poker night with some of the other MCU stars would be a hoot. Most of all, a big screen Thing/Hulk battle - I've been waiting my whole life for that!

These two heroes first shared a cover way back in 2010, during my MTIO MS Paint days...


  1. I just hope we don't have to wait too long for a Disney Fantastic Four film...

  2. As long as Disney provides the budget, C.G.I. can do everything for Ben's looks from his early Thing starting point to a long term evolution and all the transformations back to Mr. Grimm that are needed. The actor who plays him will be lucky enough to miss a lot of time in makeup.
    I just hope he never has to go thru a THING RING phase.

  3. @det_Tobor: maybe not in makeup, but probably in wardrobe. Like Brolin did for Thanos, the actor will probably have to wear something that indicates the Ben's height/width/depth, along with prosthetic fists so that his punches end up in the right place visually for any type of glancing hit.

    And I was looking forward to a Spidey / Torch scene atop the Statue of Liberty. Oh well.

  4. You know this something? This would've made for a perfectly feasible real-life comic story! The Blood Brothers having arranged for the sabotage of Martin Stein's experimental prototype reactor on the orders of their old boss, Thanos.

    Nice going, Ross! :-)

  5. "Four fried chickens and a Coke. And some dry white toast."

    Sorry, misread that, wrong bl--- brothers.

  6. "Please, put your hands together for...The Ba-Lues Brothers."

    ---Cab Calloway (1980).

  7. As cool as this cover is, Ross -- and this is another of your more seamless efforts -- I think I would've preferred Ben to be teamed with the New Teen Titans for this one. You know, having the Blood Brothers working with Brother Blood....

  8. Maybe he can do that one for the Halloween cover. ;-)

  9. Oh, brother blood brothers! What a great family reunion that's going to be.

  10. I'd prefer something even Ross hasn't done, as yet.

    Spidey meets Vampirella!

    That'd be even more suitable for a Halloween cover. Whereas, Brother Blood and the Blood Brothers would be more appropriate as foes for the Power Cosmic Couple (Starfire and the Silver Surfer). Preferably, the day before Halloween.*

    *Which, btw, will be the 81st anniversary of Orson Wells' notorious "War of the Worlds" radio show.

  11. Any Friday 13th would be ok with me for that kind of meeting...unless you want to put Black Cat in the mix too. mmee-oow!

  12. Preferably, a Black Cat-fight...between Felicia Hardy and Linda Turner!*

    *Competing for the affections of Star Fox, naturally.

  13. Another great one with the Nuclear Man! Thanks for bringing me joy, Ross!

  14. In the old days, my favorite stories were a 2-issue Thing/Hulk, or Thor/Hercules battle.
