Saturday, September 28, 2019

Daredevil and Green Lantern in: "Trial... and Horror!"

Daredevil teamed with the Hal Jordan Green Lantern in STF #1528 and later on in STF #1960...
I thought it might be interesting to discover just who it was that recommended Matt Murdock to Hal for membership in the GLC in those issues.  Who Better than Alan Scott?  DD's original costume always looked more Golden Age than Silver Age in design to me, anyway, so I think these guys look good together.


  1. Dial D for Daredevil & Deadman.

    I love this cover and the story it represents...but the timing!
    Ross, with my suggestion from yesterday, Snowball's Chance, the idea of the 2 of them going to Hell to save Snowbaul is stunning!

  2. det_Tobor already said...
    Everyone@, it just hit me. A NEW character named SNOWBAUL.
    She could be youngish, her power: creating cold and snow thru natural magic abilities.
    A female Bobby Drake type, on her own. No teacher or friends, just this weird limited ability. And for some reason, she gets sent to Hell.

    I checked, no character exists by that spelling that I could find.
    Ross, take it away. :)

    Now, with Daredevil & Deadman working together afterwards, you have the perfect D&D cast for another great (part 2) story.

  3. And in this story with DD & GL, the statue is probably a demon waiting to torture them

  4. Hmmmmm! I strongly suspect that evil Druid, Blackbriar Thorn, of being at work, here. Possibly through some Irish-American rival of the Kingpin's. Or, perhaps even summoned by the Hand to help them supplant the Green Dragon Tong (as the leaders of organized crime in Gotham City's Chinatown)!

  5. Neat! You might also think about using the Golden Age Daredevil from Lev Gleason Publicatinos - the one with the boomerangs and the half-and-half costume, blue and red. Daredevil and Daredevil vs. the Scarecrow and the Scarecrow!

  6. P.S. @ det_Tobor: you could also try open-sourcing the character via "Public Domain Superheroes." As to the Blind Justice statue being a mystically animated booby trap waiting to be sprung? Why not? Both DC and Marvel have published comics featuring Judaic golems as modern-day anti-heroes.

    Why not an anti-golem as a hench statue?

    Of course, if Blackbriar Thorn _were_ the main antagonist in such a team-up, the statue would more likely be a wooden sculpture stucco-painted gray!

  7. That statue might be a weeping angel, thus putting Dr. Who lurking about somewhere.

  8. Mickey, Don't Blink!

  9. Three cheers for this one! The character logos work remarkably well against this background without offsetting.

  10. @my fellow Anonymous: Lol! That's a more appropriate joke than you think. DD once fabricated the existence of a swinging identical twin brother named "Mike Murdock!" One wonders if any of his ditzy dates called him "Mickey" during that period?

  11. @Ross: love that punny title! Your use of it is quite refreshing...compared to the not-so-accidental mispronounciations of "horror" that Ryan Stiles was once so infamous for.

  12. A prequel story -- cool! And now we can see how Matt got his Green Lantern Power Ring. Alan is, in his own words, "a Green Lantern in name only," but his honorable use of the name does give him some credibility with Corps members. This cover makes a lot of sense, for all the reasons you list, Ross.

    And here's hoping for another team-up between "Green Devil" (as I like to call him) and Iron Beetle! (Maybe Doctor Doom gets his hands on a Red Lantern ring....)

    Also, it just occurred to me that if Matt Murdock were to go out with Beth Chapel (who I think is the only Doctor Midnight yet to appear here), that would truly be a blind date.

    On a related note, how about the Black Lanterns vs Marvel Zombies?

  13. Actually, Bob, the Pieter Cross version recently teamed up with Dr. Strange! See "Surgery & Sorcery" @ STF #2721.

    "This crossplug brought to you by Honest Johnson's Emporium. The department store with everything! If Johnson's doesn't have it, you don't need it. Honest!"

  14. P.S. @ ELS: Ross already did. 2,703 issues ago!

  15. How about another prequel set even further back? "Battling Jack" Murdock...when he was still one of the Golden Age DD's Little Wise Guys!

  16. In honor of her new series, Stumptown, how about Maria Hill goes to England to visit her Uncle Benny? It would probably have to be a photo cover. Not sure if the guest star should be Excalibur or the Knights who say Nee.

  17. Or Maria Hill and Chris Evans as Johnny Storm in...

    "Portland Blazers!"

  18. Cary: Given that #2721 was my own suggestion and I commented on it, I'm already aware of that team-up. I'm not sure how that's relevant to anything I said, though.

  19. @Bob: It implied (unintentionally, perhaps, but an implication just the same) that no _other_ Dr. Midnight (regardless of spelling) had ever appeared, here. I was just correcting what I thought was an accidental omission.

  20. @Cary: lol! If conclusion-jumping were an Olympic event, you'd be the gold medalist, right now.

  21. Look more carefully, Cary. Beth is the only one of the three "yet to appear here." Charles and Pieter have appeared (even if it's sometimes uncertain which is in the panel, without knowing the original context); she hasn't.


  22. @ Carycomic said...
    P.S. @ det_Tobor: you could also try open-sourcing the character via "Public Domain Superheroes." and

    Ok, I went there and had no idea on how to add my created character to the blog. It starts from 2016 and talks about loads of laws. Nothing really clear on how to contact cebr1979 and say " I created a character I want to put to good use so I want to make it available."

  23. And speaking of horror and superheroess
    Ruby Rose undergoes emergency surgery after stunt injury almost leaves her paralyzed

    By Alaa Elassar, CNN 2 hrs ago
    Ruby Rose has undergone emergency surgery after a serious injury left her at risk of being paralyzed, the actress and model said on Instagram.
    Rose said she herniated two discs while performing stunts a couple months ago. The injury came close to severing her spinal chord, leaving her in "chronic pain" and unable to feel her arms.

    This is not the first time Rose has undergone serious surgery. Last January, Rose revealed she was wheelchair-bound after going through a back procedure for her spinal issues, according to People.

    Rose is set to debut as "Batwoman" in The CW series which premieres on October 6.

  24. @Bob: I stand corrected. :-|

    @det_Tobor: too bad! That website seems to be pretty popular with others who open-source. So, I figured the administrators would make it relatively easy to contact them! :-(

    @Anon: I guess I win a second gold medal. :P

  25. Echo Daredevil (in old costume) and Deadman. Daredevil's old costume just screams circus.

  26. P.S.@Tobor: try tweeting Crimsoncrusader @Jcminick.

  27. Carycomic,
    you talking about Jacob? He's having fun at a Con.

  28. Ah, well! At least I get an A+ for effort. :-)
